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What is impeachment actually? Do people who demand it (now and in the past) actually understand what happens?

I heard about a town in MA on the news where they are signing a petition to impeach Trump. I don't even truly understand what grounds they are using, other than they hate him. The disclaimer at the end of the news story was that it was symbolic and non-binding.

So, why bother? I guess it gives them some satisfaction to vent their anger?

At any rate, impeachment requires certain grounds and I learned back in the days when Bill Clinton was impeached that it didn't mean he was kicked out of office. That was surprising to me at the time. It was a slap on the wrist and he went on being president after lying to congress and whatnot.

It is laughable to think that we have this process that does virtually nothing, or does it? Every time a president is hated by the other side of the isle (happens all the time, at least in my adult life) they demand impeachment. Republicans demanded it of Obama as well. Let's examine the process and what it resolves... what do you think?

When Clinton was impeached, he stayed, I was confused.

My question is not if you approve/dissaprove or want to impeach, but about the process. I am finding the demands for impeachment here laughable as it seems to waste lots of time and money (our taxpayer dollars) and gets nothing as a result.

8 Answers

  • Golfer
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    To be impeached is not a conviction, Johnson was impeached but was not ousted as president. To be impeached you have to be guilty of a felony or high misdemeanor. The left want to destroy any non liberal agenda so they want to impeach Trump just to undermine his presidency and put us voters in our place. Most people do not understand impeachment so just the accusation harms a person like Trump when there is no proof and they know there is no proof. The people who demand it it are the people who don't want Washington DC to be fixed from the corruption and abuse of power.

  • 4 years ago

    Congress has to have enough votes to go forward with the impeachment. Since the Republicans have the majority, there can be no impeachment unless some of them decide it is necessary also. Not likely. This is likely why they made up the "collusion with Russia" scenario which so far, they have no proof and if they don't have it by now, it doesn't exist.

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    most of the population does not know the first thing about the federal government.....electoral college......impeachment...

    ....after the fiasco of Bill Clinton .... to think you can impeach Obama or Trump is a ridiculous fantasy.... AND no one but Congress can impeach the president..... these idiots can sign petitions.....bring law suits....create resolutions..... hold marches and sit ins..... A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME and energy

  • 4 years ago

    What was "non binding" in that report was the resolution which the town adopted. Only the Congress can impeach someone.

    Technically an impeachment is like an indictment. It charges someone with wrongdoing. To be removed from office requires that the person in question be convicted. There have been two presidents who have been impeached: Andrew Johnson in the aftermath of the Civil War and Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Oddly enough, both of them were Democrats who were impeached by Republican legislative majorities on dubious legal grounds and mostly because the Republicans didn't like their politics. Neither was convicted and so both remained in office.

    In terms of Trump, he certainly has committed impeachable offensives. Specifically he has violated the "emoluments clause" of the Constitution which forbids government officers from getting payments from foreign governments, foreign government employees, or subsidiaries of foreign governments. Trump still retains ownership of his companies and some of them, particularly the hotels, have received payments from foreign governments. Trump also recently received a trademark on his name in China, which is also a benefit which is forbidden under the emoluments clause.

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  • 4 years ago

    Go look it up in the Constitution.

    But it's removing the president from office if he betrays this country, basically.

  • y
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    Clinton was also sanctioned, limited in what he was allowed to do. Cambridge voted Hillary by close to or over 90%, it is a liberal PC elitist place but, they are the typical two face. Behind closed doors they are disgusted by the little people, the little people are beneath them.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Nothing will come of it.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


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