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If we are all God's children, why does Jesus matter more then?

10 Answers

  • User
    Lv 7
    4 years ago

    According to the Bible

    - Jesus is the only begotten son of God

    - devout followers of God are children of God by adoption, and (therefore) co-heirs with Jesus

    - not all people are God's children

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Jesus is God, we are mortals

    Jesus lived a sinless life so that He could offer up His life to pay for OUR sins

    So yes, He is infinitely more important than all of us

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago


  • 4 years ago

    Jesus IS God. And He is the Savior. We are just lumps of clay.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 years ago

    Jesus is unique. Before he came to earth to dwell with us he was the eternal and uncreated Word of God. He is the one, and the only, Son of God.

    Humans, on the other hand, although created in God's image, are mortal and imperfect (unlike Jesus). Although we are sinners, we can be adopted into God's family if we repent and turn to Him. As adopted sons and daughters of God we can cry out "Abba, Father" when we pray to God.

    Without Jesus and what he did to atone for our sins, not one single human could be adopted into God's family. That's why Jesus matters more than us. Only because of what He did can we hope to be called God's children.

  • 4 years ago

    jesus is god in human flesh. jesus is directly from god and were not

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    He is a sample.

    Like for example you like to taste a good tea. He is the best tea.

  • 4 years ago

    It will always be wise to ignore the divisive and soiled premise that humanity needs a "savior"

    because `God` in His infinite Wisdom, Knowledge, and Glory, did not make humans quite as

    poorly as the mere, lowly, and self-affirming 'christ-based' faiths would have you believe.

    Jesus Christ wasn’t a blister on a rat’s @ss, or a fart in the wind … until man gifted himself

    with a generous and concocted way out of his sins and transgressions, by writing a "new" testament.

    When mankind finally understands `God`, there will never again be a "christ" ... or any need for one.

    Man writing a prescription that will eliminate his sins by using somebody else’s death = It figures.

    Jesus does not matter at all.

    We are all God's children .... Period.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 years ago

    Coz Jesus is God

  • 4 years ago

    we are all equal but som e are more equal than others

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