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How is it that all religions believe there is a God Who is so distant that He can t reach them? Is it because people...?

...have broken the rules of purity of character and of the rules of spirit communication? Is this the safe haven people avoid the most for the rule of the world system on their lives? Isn t this a form of slavery on all mankind?

7 Answers

  • 4 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the Christian answer is that God is here now but only reveals Himself to those who truly want and seek Him.

  • 4 years ago

    Many religions have a distorted view of God because they are blinded by the wicked one, Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4) As the puppeteer behind a lot of false religions, he wants nothing more than for the majority of people to believe that God is unreachable. Yes, God is very lofty and inhabits a realm much higher and expansive than ours. We are dust particles compared to him, not even that. But even still, this idea that he is too distant to reach us is not true.

    On the contrary, Acts 17:27 proves that he is not far off from each one of us. He actually has a sincere interest in humans and desires to draw close to them if they are willing to do the same. (James 4:8)

    Much of the resistance to get close to God is due to the fear of displeasing him, fear of not being able to fathom his qualities or his works, and thinking that God is too apathetic to deal with us lowly humans on earth. All of these are understandable factors, but God invites us to get to know him, on an intimate level too. He gives us his personal name (Jehovah), his feelings and reactions to certain things, his will for us. All of these things are revealed in his word, the Bible, and if he didn't want to reach us, he never would have gone through the trouble of having it written.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    God is not unreachable

    he hears our prayers

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    All religions don't believe that, so why do you assume they do?

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  • 4 years ago

    That is because gods do not actually exists and to hide that, the stories about them put their god out of reach in order to avoid being falsified.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    That was the accepted truth in the Pisces-Age. That is no longer true in the Aquarian-Age.


    In order to be a saint (also called an Initiate), it takes many years of meditation with Holy-Fire.

    You have to be able to channel angels and cast out demons; activate the chakras; and work

    with councils in Hollow-Earth; perform various miracles such as healing, manifestation or levitation;

    and develop Oneness with god so you can be one of the more advanced humans. Saints do not

    need to eat food since they can charge their cells with Holy-Fire. Service is also a key aspect for

    the Initiate. They have devoted their whole-lives to the betterment of Earth.

    Within this century, tens of millions of people will finally move into Initiate-level. I hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    God has provided a way for us to reach him, failure to do so is all on you.

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