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What kind of loving creator, can create biological metamorphosis?

Evolution cannot explain, the origins ,nor the process of how metamorphosis ,could evolve further.

10 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    True. Science cannot fully explain metamorphosis. Many questions are ignored or unanswered. The same is true for symbiosis between dissimilar species.

    But the unanswered questions go far deeper. Take, for instance, living biological machines inside all functioning living creatures. The former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Bruce Alberts explained the astounding nature of molecular machines.

    The entire cell can be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate network of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is composed of a set of large protein machines.… Why do we call the large protein assemblies that underlie cell function protein machines? Precisely because, like machines invented by humans to deal efficiently with the macroscopic world, these protein assemblies contain highly coordinated moving parts.

    The ribosome is a multi-part machine responsible for translating the genetic instructions during the assembly of proteins. According to Craig Venter, a widely respected biologist, the ribosome is “an incredibly beautiful complex entity” which requires a minimum of 53 proteins. Bacterial cells may contain up to 100,000 ribosomes, and human cells may contain millions. Biologist Ada Yonath, who won the Nobel Prize for her work on ribosomes, observes that they are “ingeniously designed for their functions.”

    ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the primary energy-carrying molecule in all cells. In many organisms, it is generated by a protein-based molecular machine called ATP synthase. This machine is composed of two spinning rotary motors connected by an axle. As it rotates, bumps on the axle push open other protein subunits, providing the mechanical energy needed to generate ATP. In the words of cell biologist David Goodsell, “ATP synthase is one of the wonders of the molecular world.”

    Unexplained and unanswered these biological machines are irreducible. All of these molecular machines require the simultaneous existence and function of hundreds of different proteins. Take even one protein away and the molecular machine no longer functions. And yet literally trillions of these molecular machines working together make us living organisms.

    Yes our very lives depend on molecular machines much more complex than New York City. And we need trillions of them to live one day.

    Some have tried to explain these using co-option as a way. Multi use of the same part. This cannot work. Try running a Motorcycle by swapping wheels with a shopping cart. Both are wheels, right? LOL

    Source(s): Molecular Biology
  • Bilbo, you keep spouting your ignorant nonsense and misplaced doubts about evolution.

    You seem to think that all knowledge must come all at once, and if we don't know something NOW, we never will.

    Well, the problem hidebound-brained people like you have is that sooner or later reality comes along and kicks them in the butt.

    Christians, for example, a few hundred years ago condemned Copernicus for contradicting the Bible by saying that the earth goes around the sun instead of the other way around. And when Galileo came on the scene, they STILL did the same--and note, it was not just the Catholic Church that did so, but also the Protestant religious leaders of the time.

    Eventually, however, reality won out because of the massive evidence in support of it. The same is with evolution. There is already a massive amount of evidence for it, and more is being found for it all the time.

    Soon the evidence will be so substantial that the ignorant naysayers (ahem) will be just a self-embarrassed footnote in history.

    As for your loving creator, the Bible itself proves he does not exist. See my answer to this question showing that to be the case.


    As for your argument that evolution cannot explain the origins nor the process of how metamorphosis could evolve, some explanations have been proposed. For example see here.

    Perhaps in the near future a more complete understanding, backed by evidence, will be found, and cement heads like yourself will be shown to be fools.

    Incidentally, did you ever go back to your previous three questions in which you showed your ignorance about what you were saying?


    And now we have bob777 with his irreducible complexity crap.

    Learning about the origin of ribosomes is an ongoing process but much has been learned. See the articles in the links in source below.

    As for bob7777’s argument about irreducible complexity, that is just more IDiot crap. Look here.

    I reiterate. Just because we don't have the full answers for some aspects of evolution now, that does not mean we won't in the future.

    The fact is that the evidence for evolution is overwhelming. That is why the promoters of creationism and ID are forced to resort to misrepresentation, deceit, and outright falsehoods in their attempts to refute it.

  • 3 years ago

    Publish your proof, collect the Nobel Prize in Biology.

    I'll just wait for the Committee to announce it.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    A person can know many truths about God by practicing true devotion to St. Gabriel, who is the patron saint of messengers and postal workers.

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  • 3 years ago

    Metamorph meams to change thinking.

    And Hermaphrodite laywers did not commit rape..

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Evolution explains metamorphosis fine. Your statement is false.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Actually it can. caterpillars are a type of larvae, and larvae are a type of 'egg'. this is its comparability to other life forms. Why would a god make the cycle of life so similar for all living things when it has all the imagination in the cosmos to work with? It's as if all life conforms to the laws of physics.

  • 3 years ago

    The evolution of metamorphosis remains somewhat mysterious, but biologists have gathered enough evidence to only plausibly... explain its origins.

    Textbooks will commonly talk about the insect dissolving into a kind of “soup”, but that’s not entirely accurate. Some organs stay intact. Others, like muscles, break down into clumps of cells that can be re-used, like a Lego sculpture decomposing into bricks. And some cells create imaginal discs—structures that produce adult body parts. There’s a pair for the antennae, a pair for the eyes, one for each leg and wing, and so on. So if the pupa contains a soup, it’s an organised broth full of chunky bits.

  • I say let evolutionists believe what they will. Just don't fund their BS with my taxes.

  • Evan
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Evolution doesn't explain stuff. Evolution is a natural biological process.

    Humans who have decided to study biology can explain both evolution and metamorphosis.

    Why don't you ask one? Or head to the biology section of your library and find out for yourself?

    Or continue to be a troll and post biology questions in a religion forum. Your call.

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