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Please help me :C?

I come home from college for Thanksgiving break to see my dad wearing a heart monitor. They found a 3-4cm aneurysm on his heart. He tells me not to worry about it, but after much research it's clearly something to worry about. I'm back at school now and I cant seem to focus on anything but my dad. I dont know what's going to happen, apparently this aneursym can burst at any moment. Will they do surgery? I dont want to lose my dad.

2 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Your college has a health center where you can get counseling. Go talk to them.

    Your worrying doesn't help. Your being at home can't help either. You need to trust that your dad is getting help from people who can help him.

  • 3 years ago

    The best you can do is to hope for the best.

    At these times, focus on making more memories with your dad, and if you need to- take a break from college. If surgery comes then it does. If anything happens just know that your dad has lived a fulfilling life and obviously has a family that cares for him.

    Good luck, and stay positive.

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