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Religion and Spirituality?

A question to Christians:- Have we ever really noticed that the last command of Jesus to his apostles was to make, of all nations, not merely Christian believers but DISCIPLES - talmidim- and "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." A disciple is one who learns -there is nothing static or living in a faith 'comfort zone' for a disciple. Matthew A question to Christians:- Have we ever really noticed that the last command of Jesus to his apostles was to make, of all nations, not merely Christian believers but DISCIPLES - talmidim- and "teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." A disciple is one who learns -there is nothing static or living in a faith 'comfort zone' for a disciple. Matthew 28:16 to the e. This calls to mind the warning about being lukewarm given in Jesus' letter to the church at Laodicea- "So, because you are neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16 - So, is there any place in Christ's true Church for people who choose to 'sit ' in the same spiritual place (condition) or choose a limited level of commitment?


The question refers to the last verses in Matthew.

Yes he also commands to baptize in his name but both commands should be put together.

Water baptism is normally the declaration and sealing of new faith, the verses in Matthew refer to quality of the new life in Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit to be obedient to his guidance and promptings. There are records of baptisms been done in the name of Jesus and also in the name of the three persons of the Trinity -this is different subject.

7 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    Every Christian is commissioned to go out to the World. One may be sent just to the person next to him but all have a mission to spread jesus' Love.

  • Yes, I'm convicted by my harvest for the Lord.

    NCWJ nailed it.

  • 3 years ago

    Putting aside the question of what the last instruction Jesus gave to His followers was, we know that in Acts 1:8 Jesus repeated the command to be His witnesses in all the Earth, just before He returned to Heaven. The critically important point was that they would be enabled to be Jesus' witnesses when the Holy Spirit came upon them with power. That is actually the reason why so many Christians are NOT actively being Jesus' witnesses today - they are not living in the power of the Holy Spirit. If they were, they would be bold, share the good news, baptize and make disciples.

    Many have professed faith in Jesus after hearing the good news about Jesus, been baptized, started going to church but failed to become disciples themselves. And how can you disciple others if you have not been discipled yourself? Some groups try to avoid that by insisting people cannot be baptized until they have completed a study course, designed to get them knowing the answers to many theological questions. Yet they violate Jesus' command in Matthew 28 by doing that! How come? By putting events in the reverse order! They think they can make disciples first, and then baptize them. Not so. The profession of faith comes after hearing the gospel, people get baptized, and then they start to grow in knowledge and understanding of Christ. The Holy Spirit leads and teaches them. When men take things into their own hands, they change the order, and then wonder why they are so devoid of Holy Spirit power in their gatherings! Not that many of them worry about that - they count baptisms as 'proof' that God is pleased with them, so as long as the numbers keep growing, they care about little else.

    I am deviating, but your question is fairly vast in its scope: "Is there any place in Christ's true Church for people who choose to 'sit ' in the same spiritual place (condition) or choose a limited level of commitment?" Of course there is. The place for such people is sitting down at a spiritual 'table' being spoon-fed. The only thing they learn from that is the size and shape of a spoon, of course. Yet if that is what they are content with, that is what they will get out of church. They will remain spiritual babies, of no use to others but needing to be cared for and carried about spiritually by mature Christians. The real question is whether the church should be doing that. If members of the church are not growing to maturity so that they can help others, then perhaps the church needs to keep welcoming them but not to be side-tracked from the great commission by them. They should steam on with reaching out into their communities with Christian witness (words and actions that show the spirit of Christ) but if some don't want to get involved, then just leave them to it.

    The question of 'commitment' is a bit more tricky, though. Some people gage commitment via 'supporting' meetings and fund-raising events and other activities that actually have nothing to do with spreading the gospel and making disciples. Yet a person apparently not 'committed' to such things might be a prayer warrior in the privacy of their home, or reaching out to neighbors unbeknown to others in the church, and engaging in Bible study every day. It is not for us to judge others in that way but to set the right example, encourage others, but press on if they are reluctant so that we are not wasting our time on them. This does not rule out spending huge amounts of time supporting truly needy people in the church whose lives have all but been ruined, so that they could never be expected to be in the forefront of church 'events'. It's a complex question you have raised, and only the grace of God will enable mature Christians to lovingly deal with every type of person who comes into church buildings - for whatever reason - and irrespective of whether they strive to be disciples or not.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    And there are Christians in every nation

    You really need to not judge the people of God. I used to think I was a super saint and I looked down on those I considered weak Christians with scorn, Then one day God let me know in no uncertain terms that those were HIS people, the people He loved and I needed to take another attitude

    Not everyone is going to be a super Christian. Not everyone is going to do an awesome work for the kingdom

    for some people the greatest work they will ever do is drag their sorry butts over the salvation finish line. And God is okay with that,,,He will take them, He came to save them

    So look to your own knitting and try to see people with God's eyes. Do what God has called you to do.

    We may not all get the same reward, but we will all share the same salvation

    1 Cor 3 11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 12 Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    No one has noticed that


    according to what the Bible teaches

    that was not the last command that Jesus gave to the apostles.

  • 3 years ago

    Every Christian was raised by God for a specific purpose. It is between that person and God to apply that purpose. Some are evangelical, while others are administrative. Some are given word of knowledge, and others prophecy. Some are disabled, and others have trouble in some other sickness.

    I also happen to know why the 144,000 appear on the earth, I mean other than because God said they would. The Gospel has been tainted in so many ways. The 144,000 are the ones to complete the work of spreading the word to the world. It doesn't stop us from trying, especially because of the internet. But how many of us have a tainted Gospel?

    Source(s): bisexual Christian
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    It's a myth.

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