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What do you think of Trump's response to China selling N. Korea Oil?

‘Caught RED HANDED!’ Trump claims China selling oil to N ...Korea Trump claims China selling oil to N. Korea despite sanctions "

Update 2:

the new UN resolution slashes 55% of the country’s gas, diesel and heavy fuel imports, imposing a ban on condensates and natural gas liquids, a cap of 2 million barrels a year on refined petroleum products, and a cap on crude oil imports at current levels, in other words N.Korea’s oil flow remain untouched

Update 3:

(as a reminder, China supplies most of North Korea��s crude). According to US officials quoted by Reutrs, North Korea imports some 4.5 million barrels of refined petroleum products annually and 4 million barrels of crude oil.

12 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It sounds a bit scary but Trump has said scary things before if only to get the attention of those in Power.

    Let Trump continue and we will likely see a better outcome. Despots are like billies. threaten them with Real Threats and prove you are willing to Act and they will back down.

    But that requires the Power needed to follow through with appropriate actions if they try to challenge you.

  • 3 years ago

    I'm sure that a lot is going on behind the scenes. Trump won't roll over on things like this. There will be consequences for both China and N. Korea, and possibly consequences for us as well.

  • Trump has known about it for months now. What has he done?

    President Trump is following the example of former President Dick Cheney (whom we all know was the REAL President then). Trump is not releasing his taxes, or showing his investments, because he is busy investing in the defense industries as fast as possible. Then he will start a war with Korea, or Iran, or Syria, or any combination of possible conflict areas.

    Cheney may have sold his KBR and Haliburton assets but all of his family and all of his friends were heavily invested in those companies. Talk about owing him a favor! Then he was the one who made it so those companies were the ONLY ones who would work with our military in the Iraq war he started.

    Once Trump has all the stock purchased he can, and starts a war, the profits will start flowing in. He can then resign and retire before Mueller catches up with him and Pence will just pardon him. He is a business man. That's how they think.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    The China economy needs our money.

    Cut it off as a bohcott

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  • 3 years ago

    It is safe to assume that it is another lie since Trump has not told the truth once in the past five years. I am wondering why you are getting your news from Russia Today. That is nothing more than a communist propaganda Putin controlled rag.

    China joined N. Korea in the 1950s and we got our azz kicked. Thousands of American boys died young because we had another president who was a moron. Now, China is 100 times more powerful. Clearly, they are not going to listen to a mentally unstable Trump who is about to be arrested for conspiring against the USA, money laundering, and espionage.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I think he is leading us towards WW3. And frankly, it's probably for the best. Almost a quarter of the voters in this country voted for Trump. We're pretty much doomed anyways. Let the missiles fly. I ain't skeered.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    he wants to sell guns

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    He’s okay

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    N. Korea doesn't have any oil to sell.

  • a2yar
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    out of line. trump is a moron

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