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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 years ago

Do politics tend to trend the same way in other countries as they do in the US?

As far as democrats being against everything republicans do and Republicans being against everything democrats do, although both parties are actually very similar. And people supporting their own party whether they agree with them or not.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    No. Other countries do it much better

  • 3 years ago


    Across the 1st world illegal aliens & islamification,

    have brought a MASSIVE electoral backlash against the poliitical center by the populists, nationalists, right and media-labeled "far" right. International Business Times.


    Elections: Anti-immigrant wave sweeps Europe, may 2014 --


    “…shockwaves throughout Europe…”


    “…a political earthquake in France…" -- French PM, Manuel Valls;


    "…a shock on a global scale…" -- French ecology minister, Segolene Royale.


    ‘…countries across Europe have turned to extremist and anti European Union parties.’


    ‘ The National Front in France led by Ms. Marine Le Pen has taken its largest share of the vote in its 40-year history, 25%. ’


    ‘French President Hollande's Socialist Party was edged into third place w/ just 13% of the vote.’


    ‘The anti-immigration National Front has pledged to drastically cut immigration,


    ‘and reduce the influence of Islam.’



    . WashPost 10/2010


    “The far right Swedish Democrats were elected…


    “In Austria the far right Freedom Party made massive gains in regional elections after an anti-immigrant campaign…

    . .

    “In Denmark, Norway and Finland,


    rightist and nationalist parties have expanded their power in recent months.”


    ‘The far right, anti-Islam Danish People's Party came in first in that country's elections.’



    . nytimes mar 2016


    Striking gains for the anti-immigrant rightists in Slovakian parliamentary elections…


    The leader of the rightist Peoples' Party-Slovakia, Marian Kotleba, refused to join the new govt, saying,


    “Even one immigrant is one too many.”


    "our values are clear, the nation & Christianity."



    . april 2016 AFP French Press Asso


    The Hungarian govt fights against the moslems’ 5th column being seeded throughout Europe:


    Hungarian govts‘ new, anti-immigrant, anti-EU website posted


    Europe has more than 900 "No-Go” areas with large immigrant populations.


    “In these areas with a high number of immigrants, for example in Paris, London, Stockholm or Berlin,


    “the authorities have little or no control, and norms of the host nation barely prevail.”


    ‘ "The mandatory European Union immigrant quotas increase the terrorist risk in Europe and imperil our culture," the website says. ‘


    ‘ "Illegal migrants cross the borders unchecked, so we do not know who they are and what their intentions are.


    ‘ “We do not know how many of them are disguised terrorists," it adds.


    ‘ So far, only 1,100 immigrants have been relocated,

    ‘ with Hungary not taking a single one…


    ‘ Hungary’s PM Orban, whose hard line in the EU's migrant crisis


    ‘ saw him seal Hungary's southern borders,


    ‘ says Brussels/EU has no right to "redraw Europe's cultural and religious identity." ‘



    . dec 2017


    “Resurgent right-wing populist groups have been promoting anti-immigration and Eurosceptic agendas across much of the EU...[European Union nations.]"

    . TelegraphUK Dec 2010


    “London became the tuberculosis capital of Europe.


    due largely to immigration...”



    . dec 2015


    “Experts believe immigration is one of the main causes of the Victorian disease epidemic UK is now facing.”


    “… cases of tuberculosis, scurvy, cholera, whooping cough, and scarlet fever are rising alarmingly.


    “…there has been a dramatic spike in scarlet fever, 136%, with 14,000 cases last year,


    “the highest since the 1960s, according to the National Health Service (NHS)…’



    Bulgaria's new anti-immigrant, razor-wire fence :

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    only in canada and GB

    but even then, they have very diverse systems from the US

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 years ago

    No, in Argentina leftism Peronist dominated for 70 years the political scene and sank the Argentine economy and there are still people who love the Nazi Juan Peron. Democracy creates political crises and demagogy, the socialist will always win because he promises gold cradle to the people, he pretends to be hardworking, while the conservative-libertarian is realistic and anti-populist! United States is one of the rare exceptions that conservatives are strong in democracy

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  • 3 years ago

    Not in the first world European nations, except GB. Countries like France, Spain, Germany, Italy, etc have multiple parties, all striving for political dominance, some far more extreme than our two major parties. Then the socialist countries have just one major party and the communist countries, all other parties are outlawed. Not even going to bother mention the Islamic theocracies.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    USA is the best and other countries should/want to emulate us

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


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