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Lv 6
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 3 years ago

How many President's were born rich & got drafted in the military ?

8 Answers

  • RICK
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Trump is the only one born rich who didn't serve, the rest volunteered

  • 3 years ago

    You do not draft officers. All but ONE who were military and became president were officers, born rich or not. It is claimed by some sources that James Buchanan was a private in his state militia but that does not match up with his legal training info, so if he was in the militia he did not do any fighting.

  • 3 years ago

    There was none. Rich people do not get drafted; they either find a loophole (such as volunteering for a reserve/national guard duty), bribe the officials, or get an exemption by being in college (then, join the military as Commissioned Officer).

    I think James Buchanan was the only POTUS that was an enlisted personnel out of the ones that have ever served in the military. But he did not get drafted; he volunteered during the War of 1812.

  • 3 years ago


    I can't think of any. Most who would have been the right age at the time of a conscription joined voluntarily or else had an exemption of some sort. JFK, for example, joined voluntarily. G W Bush volunteered in a National Guard unit to avoid being sent to Vietnam, but he still served. Trump was given deferments five different times.

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  • 3 years ago

    Ha, rich people don't get drafted.

    The draft has always been set up to give the illusion of fairness, but always has favored the rich.

  • 3 years ago

    Without doing the research, I would wager that none would have been drafted. If a wealthy person is going to serve, they join, not waiting for the vagaries of the draft. JFK being a notable example, as well as T.Roosevelt.

  • 3 years ago

    John F. Kennedy JOINED the Navy. He was certainly rich enough to avoid service....and wanted to SERVE.

  • 3 years ago

    The wealthy and the military are not a mixture. An example is the United States Jew demographic. They represent 2% of the population, but only about one percent are in the US Military.

    Edit: By the way, 9 Finger. You keep trying to delete my answers by reporting them with your many sock accounts. You should know that does not work any more. Yahoo fixed that.

    This is another in your long line of failures. You have accomplished next to nothing in over four years on here. You don't even answer questions any more. While the rest of us actually answers questions on Yahoo (e.g., advising young people on joining the military), you have been totally distracted by trolling. Mission accomplished.

    You are:

    Totally owned.

    Totally controlled.

    Totally dominated.

    Totally decimated.

    Totally hilarious!!!

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