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Do you think they overreacted?

Only reason I heard about this was because I watched a Youtuber who "reported" on this so to speak but this revolves around another Youtuber named Count Dankula.

To paraphrase Count Dankula decided to make a video with the premise of ticking off his girlfriend who's always ranting about how cute her dog is and wanted to turn it into the least thing he could think of. A Nazi.

So he did stupid things like have the dog sit in front of a computer while a Hitler speech was going on, made it look like he taught the dog the Nazi Salute, and showed the dog supposedly being excited when he said things like 'Gas the Jews'

...and he was arrested for supposedly commiting a hate crime.

Then he sat waiting to be sentenced for Two YEARS and the courts and then was found guilty of 'Improper use of public electronic communications network' specifically the 'sent means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene, or menacing character'

With the judge's reasoning basically being "this video of a boyfriend being an a** to his girlfriend by "ruining" her cute little dog is anti-semitic"

Meanwhile there are famous comedians that NEVER get arrested for potentially offensive jokes.

Yeah that makes complete sense to me. I think the UK courts overreacted big time and he should've never been found guilty of something so obviously stupid and doesn't deserve any of what he's been going through.


There are prank channels that run around borderline sexually assaulting women on the street all the time but you don't see THEM getting hauled off to jail, no just a poor guy who decided to make a joke about how he was going to mess with his girlfriend. FFS

9 Answers

  • 3 years ago


  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    There is no more free speech in the U.K.

  • 3 years ago

    he should have never even been arrested, totally overboard and totally stupid

  • 3 years ago

    on one hand i can see how and why he got up sh** creek without a paddle...if he actually posted these online and didnt just save the files to have a joke with his g/f about it lots of Jewish people who use the web (and a lot do) could get and rightfully so extremely offended, whole generations of families...whole families were just gone in a second

    on the other had it was done just to tease his g/f when i was married i didnt plenty of stuff to tease and gross out my was kinda out thing who could tease and or piss off the other the most...that being said it really shouldn't be online it should be between him and his g/f...if i posted not even some of the stuff me and my ex came up with to taunt and drive the other nuts we'd probably be if its something between them and inside joke then it should be kept inside because people are different hence their world view is different

    I think they did the right thing in bringing him to court...bust 2 years is totally excessive...a fine would have dont just fine and a po so he didnt think of posting this kinda stuff for the world to see.

    Basically think about the grand scheme of the world if you think it may upset a certain religion or race it probably keep it to yourself and share with you g/f and friends but not your Jewish friends

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  • 3 years ago


  • 3 years ago

    Poop happened.

  • 3 years ago

    You have your facts wrong. He has not been sentenced yet. However, I think everyone who posts stupid videos on Youtube for a living should be sent to a reeducation camp where they could learn a trade.

  • Jared
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    All I can say is I prefer U.S. law, where all jokes that don't incite violence are legal.

    But the Scottish theoretically voted on their laws (or their representatives did) and I guess they believe there can be no humor when it comes to Nazis.

  • 3 years ago

    sounds like it

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