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  • Can an minor orphan claim their inheritance when they turn 18?

    I'm curious and am also lazy enough to stop searching when all I keep getting are "minor child with inheritance and divorced parents"

    I mean that the orphan is an orphan, no living relatives whatsoever but their family left them a hefty sum of money and property.

    How does that work out?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics2 years ago
  • Will the hypocrisy ever stop?

    Seriously, no matter what your political views there are so many people who say they advocate free speech but then turn around and pull stunts to censor someone because they find what they say "offensive"

    That's the whole point of free speech. To say what you want to say. I hate plenty of what people are saying in this day and age but you don't see me running around demanding that everyone shut up because I don't like their opinion.

    EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion and they have the right to voice them. If you don't like it then instead of saying "stfu" you should have a discussion on why they believe what they do and have a freaking conversation instead of metaphorically slapping your hands over you ears and going "lalalal I can't hear you"

    You can't say you're for free speech if you're constantly trying to shut everyone who has a differing opinion up! My god, why is that so hard to understand? It's not rocket science it's common sense!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Can someone help with my Playstation related question?

    So first off I own all of the Telltale The Walking Dead Games except the last one and while snooping through the store looking for 400 Days (I didn't know it came with Season 1) I decided to pre-order the next one.

    Now I have a thing in my downloads called 'The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series: Collection' and it looks like it's trying to download a second of each game with how large it is.

    What am I supposed to do with this? It partially downloaded and I discovered that while the layout is sleeker it's pretty stupid since it doesn't register the choices I have from playing the Season 1 and 400 Days. Is there a way to import my saves or did I get charged more money than I was told and now have to bother Sony for a refund?

    I'd ask this on their site but their Forums keep telling me that my post has been posted successfully but it never appears and they won't take my calls or live chat with me EVEN THOUGH they said everything closes at 8pm PST. It's 6pm PST. What the f***?!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games3 years ago
  • Smart toilets or regular toilets?

    I mean toilets that shoot water at your a** versus toilet paper.

    Personally I think that toilet paper is more hygienic than the water ones. Why? Because of splashback.

    Apparently people don't really think about that, instead raging over how much more hygienic it is because it dissolves all the...well...waste better than toilet paper. Maybe that's true but I'd rather have to deal with any residual yuck in the shower than have particles of someone else's s*** being sprayed directly at my a** and v*****.

    Plus who the scrubs themselves so hard with toilet paper that they wind up with a sore a**?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture3 years ago
  • Why do people judge a movies popularity based only on the box-office?

    Seriously, most people are either too poor to go to the movies that often or simply just don't want to pay a ridiculous amount of cash to watch a movie that they can buy for about the same amount when it comes out on DVD.

    I mean, I really can't blame people for not wanting to go if they get landed with an overpriced, s***hole with limited snacks and soda options that are so overpriced it'd be better off sneaking your own popcorn and drinks into the theater.

    Seriously, I was once at a theater that charged $8 for a SMALL soda, and the options were Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Sprite. Three f***ing soda options and you have to pay that much for it? Yeah no.

    Judging a movie's popularity should be more based off of it's overall sales -.-

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Anyone else think Trump winning the election was a good thing for the US?

    I don't mean because of decisions he's made but moreso because he's the slap in the face that people needed. The vast majority of citizens had forgotten that you don't have to be a politician to run for president.

    Then along comes Trump who's an incredible kick in the teeth.

    Now everybody is suddenly running for chairs in congress and talking about running for president in 2020.

    Hate him or love him you have to admit, he's done a lot of good in the long run just by running and winning the presidential election.

    10 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Did I just make a terrible mistake buying Blu-Ray discs?

    I've heard that Blu-Ray is amazing since it can pack a lot more content into a disc so I ended up buying a series I love and was robbed seeing the end of on Netflix and another movie. there any way at all to make it so it's not f***ing widescreen?! I HATE widescreen, my eyes don't like it and I don't pick up as many details as I usually would've if it was fullscreen.

    If not then I'm very tempted to send all of the DVDs back and buy their normal counterpart.

    Also I don't care that humans see wider than taller, my eyes don't like seeing wider. They want to observe all the minute details that I can't f***ing see when everything is stretched out!

    5 AnswersMovies3 years ago
  • Who would be at fault?

    I've heard of accidents where the person who was rear ended is at fault but then it made me wonder...why?

    Which also made me think of something like if you live in the countryside and you're driving along doing the speed limit but a deer suddenly hops out in front of you, so you slam on the brakes. But there's a driver behind you that ends up rear ending you.

    So who would be at fault? The driver who got rear ended or the guy who crashed into them?

    14 AnswersInsurance & Registration3 years ago
  • Anyone else feel a bit bad for Zuckerberg?

    I don't use Facebook anymore and I'm so glad I stopped because wow, the bulls*** that happened with that is amazing but listening to him testify made me wonder if the people asking the questions should've been the ones asking the questions.

    I mean, it kind of sounds like Mark was trying to defend himself and Facebook while simultaneously try and explain how Facebook works. Like he was a kid who was trying to help his elders understand how stuff works but they still don't have a clue.

    I don't understand everything being said but it seems that whenever Mark tried to explain something he was shot down almost immediately because some members of congress had no clue what he was talking about. Seriously, I remember trying to find the stupid privacy features on Facebook and hated the fact that they were practically hidden from the user but to ask stupid questions of "Is there a way I can know you're sharing my data when I use an app?" is ridiculous.

    Yes, you can know. That's what the terms of agreement are for and if you manage to actually find the privacy settings you can adjust things to what you want.

    Ugh. Someone throw some kids into the room with congress to help dumb down everything Mark is saying.

    4 AnswersFacebook3 years ago
  • Why do people jump the gun when a black person gets shot and say the police are racists who prey on black people?

    I find it strange and confusing that people immediately are screaming "HE DIDN'T DO NOTHING!!!" as soon as a black person is shot without knowing what the h*ll the situation was completely.

    Especially since in this day and age it's very rare that there isn't someone with a smartphone recording what's happening or any other type of camera nearby. The logical thing would be to WAIT until all the evidence has been compiled before screeching about your beliefs because unless you were there, there's a high chance you are wrong about some detail.

    Meaning that you make yourself look stupid and end up as the butt end of a joke and less and less people take you seriously.

    Just...why?! That makes no sense!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Anyone else find the brains ability to read body language interesting?

    I don't know, I personally find it pretty neat that some things transcend the need for words and you can communicate solely based off of certain movements or looks given to you.

    Of course some of that stems from me playing online video games and being unable to actually verbally communicate with someone so it takes watching them to figure out what they're trying to tell you.

    Or like if you have a pet. They obviously can't tell you what they want but their face and entire body shows exactly what they want if you're observant enough. Of course when your pets actually learn what word is associated with what they want then it's even more obvious that you hit the nail on the head.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 years ago
  • Anyone have some yogurt brand recommendations?

    So I've been told by different doctors for years that I should eat Yogurt because of the healthy bacteria in it...but I hate yogurt.

    I don't really like the texture but I can live with it, really the problem is the FLAVOR. Every time I've ever eaten yogurt it's always a texture I'm not too fond of plus a faint hint of flavor. Faint.

    When I eat food I like it when there's almost overwhelming flavor but seriously, just a LITTLE MORE flavor than the usual would be a vast improvement!

    So does anyone have recommendations that don't taste like slightly gritty cream with very little in terms of flavor? I can live with the grit as long as I can actually f***ing taste something.

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink3 years ago
  • Why do schools not teach classes that help students survive in the real world?

    Stuff like money management or how to write a check.

    Seriously, the first time I wrote a check I was calling my parents like "How do I do this?!" because while the bank did give me "examples" on how it's supposed to look it looked nothing like checks I've seen my parents and others write out.

    I suppose luckily for me I grew up in a lower income family so money management was something I figured out how to do early on if I wanted something but still, why are they not required classes in most schools?

    1 AnswerTeaching3 years ago
  • Where did people get the idea that buying a gun is as easy as buying a pack of gum from?

    Did the person who started that bulls*it never try to buy a gun?

    Seriously, gun laws differ by state but for the most part stores are supposed to do a background check on you before you can buy it...which takes DAYS.

    Excuse me but where the h*ll did you go shopping that it took a week to purchase a pack of gum?

    Another thing is the price of guns. Even the cheapest guns are still hundreds of dollars! That's not even counting the cost of ammo.

    And guns are a bit like clothes or shoes, one size doesn't fit all. As in one person might be able to use a Magnum without snapping their wrists while another can't even use a dinky .22 pistol.

    Oh and let's not forget about the stats that require you to have a license just to carry a firearm. Which means you have to spend time and money filling out paperwork to get your license and fulfill any other requirements BEFORE you can legally purchase a firearm...and they still background check you.

    It's even more paperwork if you want a license to carry a concealed firearm.

    So no, guns aren't as easy to buy as a pack of gum. It's a VERY false statement and I'm still wondering how oblivious the people who started it actually are.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Anyone have an idea what my problem might be?

    So I'm not sure exactly why but there are times when I'm petting or kissing my dog and suddenly my skin starts stinging. It's not unbearable but it's irritating and doesn't go away unless I wash whatever body part is afflicted and even then that sometimes doesn't work fully.

    Although it never effects my hands. Just the insides of my arms and my face and only sometimes. There are days everything is perfectly fine and I can pretty much lay on top of her and smother her head with kisses and have zero problems and then there are times where I just can't. I can still pet her but no playing with her like I usually do.

    It's so strange. The only thing I can think of is my dad once told me that when I was a baby my grandmother's black lab would lick my face or somehow get saliva on my face and I'd have a reaction. It didn't seem to bother me but I'd get a welt like spot or streak on my face from where his saliva touched my skin. It didn't last long either.

    But I'm an adult who's been around dogs my entire life and while my current dog is a black lab/pitbull mix she's licked my face or the underside of my arms before and I've had no negative reaction.

    Only other thing I can think of is she's touching something that I am mildly allergic to but I can't figure out what the h*ll could be touching her all over her face and body to cause me to react this way. She pretty much does the same thing every day so I'm very confused.

    2 AnswersOther - Health3 years ago
  • Do you think they overreacted?

    Only reason I heard about this was because I watched a Youtuber who "reported" on this so to speak but this revolves around another Youtuber named Count Dankula.

    To paraphrase Count Dankula decided to make a video with the premise of ticking off his girlfriend who's always ranting about how cute her dog is and wanted to turn it into the least thing he could think of. A Nazi.

    So he did stupid things like have the dog sit in front of a computer while a Hitler speech was going on, made it look like he taught the dog the Nazi Salute, and showed the dog supposedly being excited when he said things like 'Gas the Jews'

    ...and he was arrested for supposedly commiting a hate crime.

    Then he sat waiting to be sentenced for Two YEARS and the courts and then was found guilty of 'Improper use of public electronic communications network' specifically the 'sent means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene, or menacing character'

    With the judge's reasoning basically being "this video of a boyfriend being an a** to his girlfriend by "ruining" her cute little dog is anti-semitic"

    Meanwhile there are famous comedians that NEVER get arrested for potentially offensive jokes.

    Yeah that makes complete sense to me. I think the UK courts overreacted big time and he should've never been found guilty of something so obviously stupid and doesn't deserve any of what he's been going through.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics3 years ago
  • Why are people so quick to jump to the defense of illegal immigrants?

    I don't get it. They're here illegally, as in against the law. What's so hard to understand wanting to get rid of them?

    I understand it's not a black and white topic when it comes to some of them but the ones who are somehow able to mooch off of taxpayer's dollars are ridiculous.

    Why are people trying to defend them? It doesn't make any sense to me. They should be arrested, not held on a pedestal.

    11 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Who is considered to be at fault?

    Self driving cars are supposedly great and all but what happens if you get into an accident when it was on "autopilot" so to speak?

    You can't exactly point fingers at the "driver" because they weren't driving, right? But with how excited many dealers are for this new car wouldn't that mean that THEY would be the ones at fault in the end?

    This is a strange dilemma we have here...

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration3 years ago
  • Anyone else find this funny?

    Recently I've seen a few ads posted by professional companies or known businesses that have worse camera and audio quality than most Youtubers.

    I find it incredibly hilarious that even small Youtubers have higher quality equipment than businesses who are more than able to afford it.

    Actually I find it even funnier that my potato of a laptop has a better microphone than theirs. Seriously, my laptop is over 5 years old and can't run quite a few things but it's microphone is so sensitive it can pick up conversations going on between people downstairs.

    It's faint but you can still make out the actual words being said and me right here next to it is crystal clear. the h*ll can my $200 laptop (at the time) have a better microphone? xD

    3 AnswersOther - Entertainment3 years ago
  • Does anyone else find this annoying?

    I just saw an AD about tires on Youtube and it was some weird thing where the car was driving on ice and it pans to a bunch of hockey players talking to their coach about it and then one of them rips off of their helmet to make a statement that I can't remember.

    The "player" that took off their helmet was a woman.

    I'm not sexist in any way shape or form but looking at it from a realistic standpoint and a sports in general standpoint...that doesn't happen. I mean for one she was the only woman there so the already obvious publicity stund because even more obvious but then there's the fact that men and women are separated in sports for a reason.

    So a woman randomly appearing as part of a team of big burly male hockey players even if it's just an ad irks me becuase of how our society is at the point where people have to kiss the a**es of whiny people who will screech and point out something like "OMG DID YOU SEE THIS NEW AD!? NO WOMEN?!!?! SEXIST!!!"

    Even though if you took 5 freaking seconds to stop being triggered and think about it then you'd know that the only way a girl is ever stuck on a team with guys is back in elementary or high school, and that's usually because schools don't have enough players for one specific gender so they just lump everyone together.

    Professional sports? Yeah no. Especially not hockey.

    Ugh it's just...why?! And it's even worse when people do get triggered over something stupid and the company who created the ad feels the need to APOLOGIZE!

    2 AnswersGender Studies3 years ago