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Why are people so quick to jump to the defense of illegal immigrants?

I don't get it. They're here illegally, as in against the law. What's so hard to understand wanting to get rid of them?

I understand it's not a black and white topic when it comes to some of them but the ones who are somehow able to mooch off of taxpayer's dollars are ridiculous.

Why are people trying to defend them? It doesn't make any sense to me. They should be arrested, not held on a pedestal.


So what I'm seeing is people who don't understand what the word 'illegal' means. The illegal immigrants who have been here for years without doing anything like breaking the law and have children here are one thing, it's a whole other thing when it comes to people who hopped the border and taxpayers dollars cater to them.

I said I understand it's not a black and white topic but if they don't have roots in the US whether it be family or time spent here then they need to get out.

Update 2:

They're here ILLEGALLY. It's stupid to use the arguments of 'well your ancestors were immigrants' and 'they do jobs that no one wants' because people who came here came before we had a legal systam in place and with how shitty the economy is people would be very happy to be doing those shitty jobs that the illegal immigrants have taken.

And to hit on the point of Trump, he's not going to rip mothers away from their children. That's an exaggeration that the MSM is falsely pushing.

11 Answers

  • The law is an ***, imagine not being able to live in the country you were born in, or hate it so much you would rather go to a country you are unwelcome in. Can you not empathise with these people!?

  • 3 years ago

    The law is wrong.

    What's so hard to understand is why anyone would care more about protecting a bad law than about the country's food supply.

    It is a black and white issue. They are essential farm workers. Without them, the U.S. cannot grow and harvest its food, and anyone who can't afford imported food will starve to death.

    People are trying to defend them so that they can eat, because if they are arrested, then we won't food to eat.

  • Todd
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Taxpayers are already spending a ton of money to find illegal immigrants. Why don't modern Americans understand this? It's almost a catch 22. I should remind everyone that we were the first illegal immigrants on what would eventually become US soil. I think we should give illegals a chance to become legal, which we do, but we should make it easier not harder.

  • 3 years ago

    Before there were illegal immigrants, before the existence of nations, there were people. They are still people, regardless of their place of origin. Almost all of them simply want a better life. Yes, find a solution to the problem, but there's no need for hysteria.

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  • 3 years ago

    Poboy definitely proved you right.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    They tell me to jump. I ask how high

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Because none of the right-wing's claims about them are accurate, and they make up the bottom rung of the economy and do jobs that you literally can't pay American citizens enough to do. Also because we're smart enough to know that "demonization of the other" is a time honored right-wing ploy for manipulating the populace.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Because most of them are just here to work hard and try to get ahead. Many of them are heavily integrated into American communities and deporting them is often cruel. You can simply look through the news for examples of the cruelty involved in reporting illegal immigrants. Of course, there are the dreamers, many of whom have no memory of their birth country and whose lives would be effectively destroyed by deportation. But you also have examples of people who have lived here decades and been productive members of the community who are deported. Under trumpcare are examples of women seeking restraining orders against abusive husbands being arrested and deported, mothers being torn away from their children to be deported, and even people undergoing my saving medical treatment being arrested and deported. The real question is not why we should side with these people, but why we would insist they get deported. What is the benefit to the United States of deporting them?

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Liberals aren't especially fond of obedience to the law. Besides, Liberals NEED the illegal votes of illegal aliens, to even stay close in elections. Maybe, if they stopped aborting their offspring, why in only 18 years Liberals would never lose another election, again. They wouldn't even need to cheat in order to win, either.

  • 3 years ago

    I don't get it either.

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