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Parents forcing kids to go to church?

I notice parents force their kids who are all grown up to go to church..and when they do go...the kids dont seem to participate or care about anything that goes on during the sermon... Are the parents shoving God down their throats? the kids going just because the parents say to go MEANINGLESS?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can't force anyone to worship. You can force a kid to sit at church but you can't force them to pray. Prayer and worship is something done inside and between the person and God. So a kid can close their eyes and pretend to worship, but they may not be doing it at all. Same for an adult who feels pressured to go to church.

    But you are talking about adults. An adult can say no and stay home. Any adult going to church because a parent asks is doing it for the parent, not God. Again they are not really worshiping. They are just going through the motions and God is not being shoved down their throats.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    About 30 years ago when I was in high school, the Church that my parents started going to at the time was always bothering me to start going there including my mom. I had a choice and back then I had no interest at all in going. Fast forward about 15 years and I decided to try a Church and if I like it that I would start going. I don't force anyone to go as I faithfully go to Church every Sunday as I have been doing for close to the last 15 years! No this is not the same Church that my parents were going to back in the late 80s early 90s. Sometimes a person is better off discovering it on their own as I wished that I started going to my current Church years sooner!

  • Alan H
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Grown ups cannot be forced. They are not puppets.

  • 3 years ago

    Kids who are all grown up make their own choices. What age are these "all grown up kids" of which you speak? If they are teenagers... well... teenagers are usually thinking of other teenagers. Learning to participate graciously in social environments is rarely meaningless even if you aren't hanging on the worship leaders every word. How old are you?

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  • 3 years ago

    What are "all grown up" kids? You didn't mention any ages.

    Until i moved out of my mother's house, i went to church with her on Sunday. She wanted me to go and even if i am an atheist, i went. Why? Because my mom didn't ask for much and it didnt kill me to spend an hour or two with her on a sunday morning. I'm not a christian, i couldn't care less about religion but i cared about my mom. She's dead now and im glad i spent that time with her.

  • Jason
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    yes its meaningless...for the ones that go on Christmas and Easter we call em Creasters..and all they go is because grandma wants them to go....had a whole bunch in church on Easter...but no, they are not shoving God down their throats, they dont make them participate just sit there...its an appeasement type of thing..

  • 3 years ago

    The more they do, the more they refuse to go to church!

    You don't SHOVE RELIGION down people's throats! That's not what Jesus would do!

    He said: "Come follow me", not the other way around.

    There's a REASON why more & more adults stay away from religion, or have doubts about their faith, because of how they were brought up when they were younger.

    Sometimes, it always doesn't work that way, and PARENTS weren't taught HOW. It's also possible, that's HOW their parents taught religion to them.

    Fact is: If you live @ home & you're a minor, you go where the parents go, restaurant, church, visiting the families. If you're a minor visiting us, and we go to church, so do you. If you're adult, and you attended church when you lived her, YOU CAN GO or not, you're old enough to take care of yourself.

  • Kris
    Lv 6
    3 years ago

    I'm sure lots of people go to church because their parents want them to go. Whether that's right or wrong, that's on the adult kids to make that decision.

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