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i don't want this woman to think i've ghosted her, what should i do next?

there's this woman on facebook who showed an interest in me, she is in her mid 50s , i am a man aged 43 who is quiet, shy with low self esteem and low confidence because of a hard life......we were messaging each other, just simple messages in the private message feature.....but for months i have shied away from messaging her because ive lost my self confidence and self esteem...and i ran out of things to say.......i'm really not confident in myself..........and i'm worried this woman might have lost interest or she thinks i have ghosted her..........but i haven't on purpose....its just because of my personal problems.

how can i pick up the conversation again and get back to her? i'd appreciate any help.

2 Answers

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you were communicating fairly regularly and it’s been months since you’ve contacted her, then you kind of have ghosted her already.....but it sounds like she hasn’t reached out to you either, so has she ghosted you as well? 

    Either way, if you want to reestablish contact, the only way to do it is reach out. It can literally be something as simple as “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you and hope all is well with you”. Then the ball is in her court to respond.

  • Anonymous
    5 days ago

    Write again?

    "Hey, how are you? I'm sorry, I was busy, had some personal problems to solve that's why I disappeared. I know I should have said something. I can only hope you are not mad at me very much.

    I would love to hear from you again. "

    Something like this?

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