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? asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 3 years ago

Why don't we eliminate welfare since it is clearly abused?

Or maybe have a max amount of time someone can be on it. This would force people to actually find a job and not live off the government. I believe that social programs are a waste of money and don't help anyone at all. Just costs us, the tax payers more. And if people don't want to find a job? Well, that is their problem. Let em' starve.

62 Answers

  • zeno
    Lv 7
    3 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welfare should be part of a city or county public service work detail.

    As in you get your money but then must go pick up trash on the road

    Or mow grass or some other public service. No more free money. That

    Will reduce those milking the system.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    It is clear that you are abusing it.

  • 3 years ago

    Welfare isn't what you deem that it is.. It's not as easy to get as you morons claim.. It's not illegals getting cash, free food, housing... It simply is not that way..

    Selfish hateful people like you make claims that aren't true.. Welfare is in fact a second chance and not a way of life for most who receive it. A few people here and there have abused the system just as people abuse every other entitlement there was and is.. But most people who get food stamps are people who are disabled and receive disability! Think they too should starve?

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    But many abouse the system in many ways. Tax breaks for married people. ETC ETC.

    They could if they wished make the taxpayer liable for a whole lot more, but dont as its shared and balanced out.

    Only the selfish want to be outside the system, but at the same time that want the benefits that the system offers.

    We pay to cover everything. You want out, then you dont get anything and pay the direct price to whomever supplies your needs. Electricity/gas at cost for your small amount - astoundingly high. And youll be paying top rent for those gas pipes and electricity wiring that the system laid as its infrastructure.

    I wonder whats the true cost of having someone come specifically to you to remove and dispose of your garbage.

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    it will be food will be sent to houses instead of money i think

  • 3 years ago

    Let me guess...a Trump supporter? You obviously are low educated some might say an imbecile. Welfare is hardly permanent, every state requires you work to receive the small benefits it provides. I doubt you pay much if anything in taxes as you seem too dumb to have a good paying job. Many states have education programs so you can find a better job, maybe you should look into it. Education is a good thing, try it you might discover things, like perhaps how stupid your question really is . I can't guarantee you will get smarter, or gain some class, which you so sorely seem to lack....but it can only help.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Welfare exists to keep poor people from revolting and killing the rich. Think of all those red state gun collectors on SSI or AFDC or some kind of disability. Right now, they support the GOP. But after they lose their Assistance, maybe not.

  • 3 years ago

    You appear to be a mean spirited person, with probably no religion, and bitter. Everyone at least once, maybe several times, loses their job, has a fire in their home, is a student, a veteran who comes home from war, someone disabled, a woman with kids and her husband is deceases or left her or is in jail, or the person has no family to go to, well people do need welfare (food stamps, housing, all kinds of assistance) as a net to catch them.

    When something is abused then you correct it, not delete it. There are ways of reducing that assistance (like providing training and jobs, transportation to get to work, etc.) that helps people get a hand up and not a hand out. Obama wanted to be everyone's daddy (socialism/communism) and that's why he was liked, he "gave away the store" as the old saying goes. He drained America so in some ways I see your point. So now the reins are being pulled in and the larger part of the abuse is being corrected.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


  • 3 years ago

    If you have that as clear evidence please report it, you will be rewarded monetarily. So do your part and report it. That's how a society polices it's self. If you don't report it you are not doing your part.

  • 3 years ago

    It's not easy to get welfare, and most people on welfare have disabilities, or are single parents, or have other complicated issues. A lazy bum cannot get welfare. The better choice would be workfare, but Republicans tend to be against that because it costs a lot more to build that kind of infrastructure. Plus, welfare money almost always ends up in the hands of small and big business, so that money is put back into the economy and creates jobs. Without welfare, people would be forced to resort to crime or starve. It's by no means a perfect solution, but no one has come up with a better one. Maybe you could volunteer with your church or some other organization and interact with some people on welfare. Most of them want to do better.

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