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Was this lady rude?

I was in my house and I heard the doorbell ring. I didn't answer it because it was saturday and wasn't expecting anyone and I was busy doing something with my grandmother. after a bit we figured whoever it was had left. the doorbell then rang again. I was weirded out because it had to have been important to ring twice like that. My grandmother and I started talking about how weird that was and were debating who should go answer since neither of us really wanted to but then the person at the door started nearly pounding on the door so i went to the door because it had to be important to not only ring twice but to also knock. I open the door and it was just a jehovah witness lady with a plastered smile who wanted to read her bible about happiness to me. I wasn't sure how to react so i zoned out a bit because ive never had that happen before and she then asked if it was a bad time and i had said yes and she asked if she could come back later and I didn't know what to say but didn't wanna be rude so i told her if she really wanted she could.


She never came back later but my grandmother told me I should've said no thank you to her when she asked if she could come back.

6 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    i question whether you described her pounding in the door literally, but I also question her diligence and I don't believe the watch tower is of God, so the church itself is not true, nor is it the same church organization that Charles t Russel started

  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Thank you for your side of the event. According to this, I would say you were the rude one.

    Even if it is a bad time or you don't want to deal with the person, kindness dictates answering the door and saying 'no thank you'.


  • 3 years ago

    If you don't want someone to come to your house tell them so. You don't have to be rude about it, but you are under no obligation to let her come back.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    It was certainly rude for this lady to ring your doorbell twice and then start banging on the door. Normally, when people don't get an answer they go away. Furthermore, to then ask if this was a bad time suggests to me that this lady was extremely insensitive.

    As for telling her she could come back later, you really should have said no if you didn't want that to happen. She will return. You can be sure of it. Only this time, she has your permission. Sometimes it's rude to lead people on, letting them think one thing when the opposite is true. Speak up for yourself and let your yes mean yes and your no mean no. It is possible to say no and mean it without being rude.

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  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Answer the door naked when they show up. It works. They never come back.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    Persistent, not necessarily rude.

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