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IF Mueller continues to be unable to produce any evidence of Trump's guilt, how much longer must he look to satisfy the "impeach him" crowd?


Indefinitely? Another full year? What amount of time would convince those who hate him that he didn't do what they REALLY want him to have done?

Update 2:

Oh wow "various symbol person" you're saying indefinitely?? Keep in mind, this is NOT an investigation of a crime. It is an investigation of a person....hoping he committed a crime. Can you justify spending the money it's costing on that...indefinitely?

Update 3:

Ron...I am not at all paranoid, and way to avoid answering while getting in a jab, typical, and admittedly, if I were in a place to say, I would never have authorized the investigation to begin with, BUT since it has begun, I want it to conclude naturally without being stopped prematurely and reach some sort of conclusion. I am simply asking how much longer should NO progress on the Trump front be allowed to go on?

11 Answers

  • 3 years ago

    He has truckloads of evidence

  • ricky
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    The Mueller investigation will end with the investigation of Mueller

  • 3 years ago

    Mueller, with 5 guilty pleas so far, is just getting started! For context, let's compare to some other major government investigations:

    Watergate . . . . . 784 days

    Iran - Contra . . . 2420 days

    Whitewater . . . . 2982 days (over 8 YEARS)

    Plame-gate . . . 1163 days

    Trump-Russia . . 365 days

    Now I agree that the Whitewater investigation went on too long. What would you say to limiting Mueller's investigation to 1/3 the duration of the Whitewater investigation? Does that sound fair?

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    I think the real irrationality and partisan motivation is on the part of Trump supporters. They simply want this to go away regardless of what evidence there might be of some kind of wrongdoing. They also seem to think that any amount of Investigation is far too much. The reality is that the Mueller investigation it's only a year old. Previous investigations, such as Watergate, Whitewater, Benghazi, in the Clinton email investigation, all took multiple years to conclude. In fact Whitewater took five years. So it's simply untrue to act as if this has been dragging on forever. The potential wrongdoing is also much more serious than in any of those scandals and so deserves much more attention.

    The other thing which conservatives need to keep in mind is that we don't know what Mueller knows. He is not trying his case in the media. We are only likely to see his evidence against Trump when his investigation is completely finished and he's ready to present his case

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  • Ron
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    You and Trump seem to be a bit on the paranoid side. It's not about either of you. Relax and find a hobby

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Mueller is now in full blown “Oh well, we can always MANUFACTURE some evidence” mode.

  • Maria
    Lv 7
    3 years ago

    At least as long as Bill's Whitewater/Paula Jones investigation. Because that was soooo important.

  • 3 years ago

    As long as Mueller's dark money keeps funneling in, there will be no end to this. His financiers want one thing only: a coup.

  • 3 years ago

    They will try to bend whatever 'evidence' they find to fit some new kind of charge. The probe is one witch short of a hunt.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Ok? You realize that the investigations are about Russia right?

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