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What did Jesus say while being tortured on the cross?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It seems from the Bible scripture that Jesus was busy talking to the two thieves that were being tortured next to him he didn't spend a lot of time concentrating on his own discomfort he spent his last few hours trying to help the two thieves that were dying next to him

  • Mog
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    He converted and canonized the penitent thief who was being crucified to the left of him.

  • Father why they are all awesome?

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    It is likely that he spoke very little, except what was mentioned in the bible. Crucifixion is a horrible punishment that crushes your lungs by the way you are positioned. Not to mention he was beaten to a pulp beforehand, then stabbed in the side, and after all that the soldiers gave him wine with gall...eww. On top of all that, up until one of the prisoners next to him repented, they were mocking him, as were all the people surrounding him. My point being, it probably wasn't likely he was talking to people about the weather, but probably there slowly dying.

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