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Did murdering Jesus please Satan or not?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It did at first! And then Satan and his demons realized what they had done! And the Bible says had the powers of Darkness realized what they were doing they never would have done it. Friend without a big song and dance Jesus and God tricked mankind back into taking immortality! there is absolutely nothing that we as human beings can do to get rid of our immortal nature! We are guaranteed full immortality! There is nothing that we can do to discard it! The only thing that we have to worry about now is where are we going to spend our Eternal future. With God and happiness for all eternity. Or without God in a hole where are we will be stoking the cosmic furnace to provide energy for the rest of those people that are busy enjoying themselves.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Jesus was a criminal of the Roman empire. He disrespected their laws. Therfor he wasnt murdered. He didnt even exist in the first place anyway

  • Sean
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    It did I'm sure until he realized how badly he just screwed up.

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