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There will be no atheists during the Time of Jacob's Trouble?

Here's my opinion of the issue. And I'm open to correction.

The paintings that we see of "Jesus" today is what I believe the antichrist will look like.

First of all he's depicted as a white European Gentile with blonde hair and blue eyes. As we all know Jesus was born through the Shemitic lineage of the Hebrew people. He's King of the Jews.

So not only do we not have a picture of what Jesus really looked like, we have a representation of a false Christ.

The second point is this. I believe that since many Catholics consider the Pope to be god and the earth as his kingdom. When this man, the antichrist, shows up performing miracles, what will atheists do ? They will have no choice but to worship him.

The reason I say that is lets assume that an atheists still doesn't believe that the antichrist is god. Well it wont matter because as Revelation 13:17 says "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

So even if there were still atheists around, they would be forced to worship the antichrist and take the mark. (Which I believe will be a RFID implantable microchip).

So here you have forced religion shoved down your throat by the Roman Catholics like they've been doing all throughout their history. And if you refuse to worship him then you're executed.


12 Answers

  • Carym
    Lv 6
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. During the Great Tribulation (Jacob' trouble) they will either be forced to serve the false god, the antichrist, or they will be killed for their faith in the One and Only God.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    get a fking life

  • Who
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    " And if you refuse to worship him then you're executed. "

    thats already been tried - it failed

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Since I never see (99%) atheists attack ANY other religion? Considering that Islam kills atheists, logically I'd think they'd want to dismantle that?

    Jihad? Terrorism? Nah, no problem. But attack Christianity, Christians constantly. Why? Bcuz they know they can't get hurt by Christians.

    So they're PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE, saving their life big time.

    So, they'll certainly go along with the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast, be fine to worship whatever. Likely even think it's great, better than atheism.

    Atheism doesn't exist except to attack Christianity. It would be a dying wimper in the night.

    The Beast will seem most charming, and extremely powerful.

    I think that's related to 'peace and security' which the world has never seen,

    as an entire world.

    And I have to wonder if the NWO and OWR aren't also related?

    Perhaps you know of the pact Communist China has with Israel?

    Israeli kids are learning Mandarin. Two ideologies that hate Christianity.

    So, two possibilities I see. And the Vatican, Jesuits, of course.

    Will they unify?

    Although I'm not into SDA theology, the pope has raised the topic of Sunday law a couple of years ago.

    I think we're living in the 'calm before the storm'. I'm concerned that we're not prepared.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    A person can know with certainty there is a God by way of having true devotion to the Virgin Mary.

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    There will be atheists right up until the moment that Jesus steps back on planet Earth, or until they die and stand before God. That's just the way it is.

    As for the "mark of the beast" and all that stuff, that happened in the first century, friend.

    Thanks for sharing though.

    Source(s): Jesus follower
  • 2 years ago

    The mark of the beast has been claimed to be many things through history. Back in Roman times people thought it was tattoos showing citizenship and being forced to use the currency of the Roman empire. More recently people have pointed to eftpos technology, biometric scanners or rfid chips. The mark itself might be barcodes, fingerprints, embedded chips or retina scans. But then that particular technology fades and something more convenient comes along and once again the conspiracy theorists jump on it.

    There have been hundreds of doomsday prophecies, remember Y2K or 2012? All have turned out to be rubbish, and I have no doubt that a hundred more will come and go.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Jesus isn't real. He's just one of many fictional characters from a book of fairy tales called the Bible.

  • 2 years ago

    You write that as if the stories about your god were for some unknown reason more true than the stories about all the other gods.

  • 2 years ago

    So, what you're saying is that you're currently receiving treatment for head trauma?

    I'm glad they're taking good care of you.

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