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Are employers less likely to hire someone that stutters?

I have a speech impediment. I go on interviews and I feel as though my speech impediment is ruining my chances of finding a decent job. How can I not let my speech impediment take a toll on my self esteem? I’m starting to feel like I won’t ever find a decent job. I want people to give me a chance.

11 Answers

  • 2 years ago

    It depends on the employeer and the type of job you’ll be doing. Any job that requires you to interact with the public on a daily basis/fairly often, or talk on the phone all the time might not be a good fit for you and the employeer is apt to choose someone without a speech impediment first. BUT, if it’s a desk job where you’re working on a computer all day, filling out paperwork, or whatever independently at a desk, you’re most likely fine.

  • H
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately that is the case but I have a friend who has Tourette syndrome who is getting promoted to manager. That assumes if he decided to take the position. He works in customer service. There is hope.

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    You need a job away from the general public. A member of my family had intensive speech therapy which helped a great deal.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Of course this is going to hurt your will need to do things to get around this difficulty or find jobs in which it wont matter.

    Learn to do something that doesn't require a lot of public interaction. Get a job on a construction crew...the worst you will face is being made fun of by some co-workers. If you are a good and hard worker, your speech impediment will be basically irrelevant.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately yes in many cases. See about seeing a Speech Therapist, if you haven't done so already.

  • 2 years ago

    Depends on the job. If it requires you to be able to speak to the public all the time it could interfere with the job. While not offering you the job could be seen as a violation of the Disability Acts, the employer can come up with other reason to state why you were not hired.

    I have an hearing impairment which I am sure has cost me more than one possible job. I talked with my local Vocation Rehabilitation office and they were able to find me dozens of leads on jobs where people were not only willing to overlook my disability, but actually went out of the way to offer jobs to people who have disabilities. The employer also gets a break in the state where I live in that if hired through VR they can deduct half my salary from their taxes for the first year.

    Talk to them. They will probably be able to hook you up with employers who will hire people with stutters and other types of disabilities (This can include things like being an ex-con.) Take advantage of their free services.

    My rep was once making calls to try to find employer contacts. She was asked by one of the employers "what is wrong with those people." Here answer was "Nothing!! This is the kind of people who want to work rather than collect disability. Who have pride in themselves. Who know how to overcome obstacles in their lives. Who can do more then most other people. And who make excellent employees." And I whole hearted agree with her.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately yes.

    Please don't despair, the body heals itself naturally and nerves are no different.

    Start by having soothing baths whilst you drink a smoothie made up of berries, mango and fresh grapes.

    It may sound cheesy, but doing this can help to reduce oxidative stress, which is a key step in any detox protocol.

    All you need to do is to try and remove the toxins which we all have, because everyone has been exposed to poisonous air or food and most of us are victims of doctors.

    Use Fiji water, or Chlorella to release the toxins.

    Then use activated charcoal and food grade diatomaceous earth to bind with those toxins, allowing the body to flush them out.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Depends on the employer.

  • 2 years ago

    Customers at my coffee shop need clear and friendly communication at the counter. Thus I would be less likely to hire you to work at my coffee shop because of your speech impediment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    it depends on the job. they are not going to hire someone to answer calls or for customer service or tech support or to read the News on TV if they stutter. There are lots of jobs that don't require much speaking.

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