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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 years ago

If Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax, how come fossil fuel companies like Exxon-Mobile are frequently running ads about CO2 reduction?

Why don't they just expose the hoax for what it is, and get their scientists to publish scientific articles about the TRUTH? These companies have enormous resources, and they're now starting to use them to combat AGW. How can they be so wrong?


There are no papers by Exxon-Mobile scientists that contradict the core of the AGW hypothesis.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Um, because only some crazies can't see the writing on the wall. If you know the basic physics of greenhouse gasses, global warming become the obvious conclusion when you think about what we pump into the atmosphere.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    It is a hoax.

    And your question is badly non-sequitur. Please ask a cogent question.

  • Daro
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Funny as he((. You guys called them the biggest liars in the world before. You claim everyone who posts non-alarmist info are all in the pockets of .....what was it? ....oh yeah... "BIG OIL". Apparently YOU thought they had some conspiracy to destroy the planet (which they live on) while pocketing lots of worthless Federal reserve Notes.

    I told you they been running green adds for years. Also told you that oil companies dont care about anything but profits, just like all other businesses (and politicians for that matter). Gov hands out piles of YOUR money in subsidies for anything PC ( or green).

    Oil companies are just getting in on the freebies.

    Same way Duke power is busy setting up ridiculous solar farms. All at your expense. They handed out squirrely light bulbs for *** free. (Not really free sence you already paid for them).

  • 2 years ago

    So all their peer reviewed studies are false? If that's that case, then shouldn't all their studies be redacted by peer review? Or, are you saying that peer review is no good because peer review okayed Exxon studies that are false?

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  • Because they already do?

    From their website:

    "ExxonMobil scientists have been involved in the forefront of climate research for four decades, understanding and working with the world’s leading experts on climate. Our research in climate science has resulted in nearly 150 publicly available papers, including more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, and nearly 300 patents for cutting-edge technological advances in emissions reductions and other related applications."

    Source in comments.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Exxon has known it wasn't a hoax for decades but funded hoax propaganda and sleazy politicians to save their bottom line, and still do, they should be sued and put out of business by the people.

  • Susie
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    How do you know they are actually reducing CO2?? Maybe two can play the same game.

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