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If I payed $5 for a game at gamestop and it was priced at $20, will I get $5 or $20 for refund?

I bought a game 3 days ago and I dont like it. I traded in a game towards it and only payed $5. If I return for a refund, will I get $5 or $20 back? Sorry if this is a dumb question...

4 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As you traded in a game + paid $5 for the game you're returning, and I'm HOPING it's a used copy (which has a more relaxed return policy than new), you'll get $20 in-store credit or onto a gift card.

    The main reason why you they won't do a full cash refund is due to that trade-in. They provide incentive (in form of a higher in-store credit) for keeping the funds in-company (not necessarily in-store) than providing cash (that can be use elsewhere). IF you insist on getting a cash refund, the store would have to reference the game that was traded in & provide you the CASH value of the game on top of the $5 you paid... which would be less than the $20 for the game.

    To put it in perspective... would you be willing to take $20 in-store credit (as they're highly unlikely to provide $5 cash & $15 in-store credit) OR $15 Cash ($5 Cash + $10 "Cash Value" trade-in)? I know it sounds a bit complicated, but the payment method wasn't a simple one-tender payment.

    Hope this sheds some light on the subject.

  • 2 years ago

    You should get $20 but refunds mostly work for stuff that are broken

  • 2 years ago

    I would say because of the way business works, you’d get the refund price as listed on the receipt.

  • 2 years ago

    The game is still valued at $20. You just had $15 in store credit. So if you trade it in you'll get the $20 back as that's what you paid for in total for the game.

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