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[Serious] Assuming fetuses aren t humans, what are the moral implications of farming fetus in artificial wombs for organs to save lives?

Disclaimer, if you are pro-life, you probably know what the answer is, but this is a serious question to people who think otherwise.

Assuming all the eggs and sperm came from willing donors, and assuming there is no God and human genes are not sacred, what are the moral implications of harvesting human fetus for parts to save lives. They will never be born so they are not human, at least according to certain perspectives. Unless there is a new definition of being born thanks to the completion of the artificial womb. We will save countless lives.

If having millions of farmed fetus causes discomfot to people who dont see fetuses as anything more than a lump of cells, why, and even if a fetus is more than cells and less than a life, would it not be logical to trade the fetus for saving real lives? Is the discomfort of farming fetus real or just outdated fear?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Fetuses *are* humans... what the debate is on is whether or not they are persons. Personhood has nothing to do with being a human being. Corporations have personhood.

    I'm pro-choice because I believe the right of owner trumps the right of the unwanted occupant. It is, by definition, acting as a parasite.

    As for your scenario, if they never reach sentience, I see nothing objectively immoral. No suffering is being caused.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Because for the organs to be viable then the foetus would need to be viable!

  • 2 years ago

    There's no need to. All we really have to do is gather all the pertinent medical information on the people who are already alive and put it in one database and have everyone be organ donors, but not just after death. If someone needs a kidney we can put their medical information into a computer and they can be randomly matched with a donor who has two good kidneys. Then the donor just goes to the hospital, has one kidney removed which is then transplanted into the person who needs it. Sure you'd have to wait till someone died before collecting organs like a heart, but with everyone being a donor the odds of getting the needed heart go way up. Anybody who is actually pro-life should support this idea.

  • 2 years ago

    Serious? You spew that ludicrous straw-man argument and claim to be serious? Guffaw!!

    Thanks for proving yet again that Christers are uneducated ignorant lying science denying irrational dumb@sses.

    How about you answer why, if a fetus is human not a single pro-lifer nitwit is screaming about the millions of fertilized eggs frozen in tanks for dozens of years or the daily destruction of fertilized eggs dumped in the trash can simply because the owner of record no longer wants to maintain them?

    Eye roll

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  • 2 years ago

    Having an abortion is one thing. Creating fetuses just to harvest them is disgusting, I don't care who you are.

  • 2 years ago

    That's sick.

    Source(s): Greek Orthodox Christian
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