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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 2 years ago

Why are some people worried about a no deal exit from the EU/?

Personally, I think the UK should absolutely no contact with the EU.

18 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are worried because no one really knows what will happen if we leave without a deal . And there is so much scare mongering in the press , TV and radio etc with gloom and doom. But if we do leave with a no deal the EU will still want to trade etc with us so it may make us hold a strong hand to sort a deal. Shame remainers dont believe in this great country like leavers do.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Thick, uneducated chavs like you think of everything in simplistic terms and don't understand the geopolitical and economic complexities of Brexit.

    Winston Churchill was right when he said the best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.

  • 2 years ago

    Because they seldom hear about 'a no-deal exit'. All the ever hear about is 'crashing out without a deal'. There is absolutely no reason to suppose we would 'crash out'. We would just LEAVE.

    It would be impossible, and daft anyway, to try to cut off all contacts with the EU. It exists; many of us know Europe well and go there often. As long as the UK is making its own rules again, there is no reason why we can't cooperate with European organisations ON OUR OWN TERMS if we find them helpful to us.

  • Zed
    Lv 6
    2 years ago

    No not at all. Thanks for asking.

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  • Nāga
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    The warped Project Fear narrative, who are an alliance of liberal elites and the ranting, rabid far-left - push that every problem in the UK is down to Brexit and constantly use phrases like "crashing out". It's a distorted vision which damages morale, and some weak-minded and easily persuadable people lap it up, which is why they worry.

  • Cei
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    It'll destroy our economy.

    Look at the Vauxhall announcement today, to name just one thing.

    There is absolutely no benefit to leaving especially with no deal.

    Brexiteers will bang on about making our own laws and not being subject to European ones. I'll bet they can't quote one law that has affected them negatively.

    There are plenty that have made their lives easier:

    1. EU working hours directive

    2. Employment rights

    3. The right to paid vacation

    Free movement - meaning you can go through the fast lane at immigration.

    4. The ability to live, work and study anywhere in Europe

    5. Roaming and data charges on Mobile phones being capped when in Europe

    I can go on

    But all that can be kissed goodbye with a no deal.

    The other thing that Brexiteers will bring up is the ability to control immigration. Well guess what - 80% of immigration to the UK is from outside of Europe we have always had control over that so what will change?

    The final thing they bang on about is the European court of Human Rights. Well who set that up I wonder??? Oh year that'll be Winston Churchill.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    There isn't such thing as no deal, there's a deal or we trade via WTO rules and I've never heard any brexiter point out the benefits of that, just let's tell the EU to eff off then we'll figure things out 😕

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Not worried at all.

    To Hell with that vile nanny state and to the sheep who support it.

  • 2 years ago

    No contact with the most civilised part of the world? Oh dear, I feel for you.

    But apart from that, we will have no trade deals in place. Do you know how long it takes to do a trade deal? Years. With every country out for itself.

    Foreign manufacturering firms based here ( and that's just about all of it ) will have no access to the lucrative European market, so they will go elsewhere. Jobs will be lost on a huge scale.

    The return of customs on the borders which will hinder trade and put all costs up. You obviously don't remember the queues at Calais before we joined the EU.

    Being evenmore tied to the uncivilised and warmongering Americans. But they are also out for themselves and will not do us any favours.

    As for immigration, we already have control of our borders if we wished to exercise that right. Belgium does for instance. Tories are capitalists, they rely on cheap imported labour, so don't expect anything to change.

    If you are not interested in art, culture and history I'm sure you will happy in Skegness.

  • Jack H
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    Because they have functioning brains...

  • Lôn
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    I agree....we should make a clean ties at all.

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