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Why are younger people more Republican and more older people are Democrat nowadays?

13 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hippies are getting older

  • 1 year ago

    it is older people who are more conservative

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    You got it backwards. It's the young people that vote Democratic because they want government handouts.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Actually that is a myth. People are becoming more Democratic. However, I still hope that a third or even fourth party will come in to challenge both Republicans and Democrats.

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  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Usually it goes the other way. If you aren't democrat when yhou are young, you don't have a heart and if you aren't Republican when you are older, you don't have a brain. Maybe youth are getting smarter at the cost of losing their hearst.

  • 2 years ago

    Nice try at anti-democracy Russian-abetting propaganda, "paisley," but you are incorrect. The Parkland High School students have used networking effectively to organize young people nationwide (and maybe even worldwide) to support political candidates who favor a ban on military-style assault weapons and a ban on large-capacity magazines. That is not something the white nationalist GOP candidates back at all---and there's even more reasons why these young millennials are backing the Democratic party or our Independent Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders on most issues. It was the Democrats under Bill Clinton who passed legislation which taxed the richest corporations and our nation's billionaires at a revenues-producing and bills-paying moderate 39%---and Bill Clinton not only balanced the federal budget, but then went on to create a huge $362 billion BUDGET SURPLUS by the time he finished his two terms. To learn more, see "The Clinton Presidency: Key Accomplishments." The hugely popular and miracles-working President Barack Obama had a Democrats-controlled 111th Congress helping him fix the GOD-AWFUL MESSES left in the wake of totalitarian fiscally insane Republican control from 2001-2008, and he was able to reverse the Republican-caused MELTDOWN of our nation's financial system, fix the GOP-caused housing and credit markets' collapse that cost many millions of Americans their homes and blighted (lowering property values) city neighborhoods, and reverse the GOP-caused GREAT RECESSION by mid-2009. The GOP has been astray since the Alzheimer's-afflicted Reagan era ("America, What Went Wrong?" by Donald Bartlett & James Steele, 1991; "DARK MONEY: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right," 2017, by Jane Mayer; "The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West" by 35-year career CIA counterespionage expert Malcolm Nance). NO PATRIOTIC AMERICANS will be backing the white nationalist, religious-freaks-seized, misogynistic, inhumane Republican party that has been infiltrated by the Russian MAFIA for the past few years.

  • !
    Lv 7
    2 years ago

    The available statistics don't seem to support that assertion.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    They're not. It's the exact opposite. Older people tend to be more Republican and younger people tend to be more Democratic, or at least more liberal. If we look at the 2016 election we can see that the age group which went most heavily for Trump were the baby boomers, who are elderly. The age group which went most against him were Millennials, who voted two to one against him. The post-Millennial generation largely share the Millennials politics.

  • 2 years ago

    Millennials are the Hero Generation, similar to the GI generation; they like unity and honor.

    Even so, not all of them are Republicans.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Link? To this fact?

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