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Democrats, please give the best reason as to why gun laws should exist?

or why the 2nd amendment should be edited or thrown out altogether...

13 Answers

  • 1 year ago

    Mass shootings.

  • 1 year ago

    1. Because the Second Amendment says so. It begins by saying that regulation is essential to the survival of they country. Only after making that unequivocally clear, does it even mention anything about rights.

    2. To prevent deaths. Even if all murders could be eliminated without gun laws, it would barely make a dent in the number of gun deaths, because most of them (about 3/4) are suicides.

  • 1 year ago

    so that shootings wont exist

  • Sally
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Gun ownership should be handled as the public health and public safety issue it is.

    Many gun advocates recently have pointed out "Well, cars kill people, too, so should we outlaw cars?" Here's the thing: with cars, we have passed laws making it illegal to drive while drinking or on drugs, requiring the use of seatbelts, making sure all cars and all drivers are registered and all drivers pass a driving and informational test, requiring people to carry insurance, requiring the auto companies to make cars safer with features like rear view cameras, seatbelts and air bags, making drivers accountable for unsafe driving both economically and legally, setting safe speed limits, etc. And these laws have greatly reduced fatal car accidents and made our highways safer.

    So what would be wrong with passing similar laws to make guns and gun use safer?

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  • 1 year ago

    Watch this debate.

    Or this one:

    IntelligenceSquared is awesome.  And these debates have representatives for each side.

  • 1 year ago

    Because the law is alive and fluid. When circumstances change, the law must change with them. 

    15 years ago, it was difficult to have someone arrested for internet fraud, internet harassment, internet threats, etc. 40 years ago, we didn’t have stalking laws. Good grief, the founding fathers owned slaves ffs. 

    We can’t be stuck in a concrete document written 250 years ago. It has to change with the times and with public demand. I struggle to believe that the Fathers could have predicted tanks or automatic weapons like a frickin machine gun. 

    This isn’t a Democrat issue and is stupid troll bait. It’s a humanity issue and an America issue. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Ease of access to death instruments, to disuade the youth, that using a weapon unless in very limited scenario, is simply unethical, and unneccassary, the current situation is sending mixed messages at best..

    The 2nd amendment, does need to be amended, btw why do they call it an amendment?, if it's always been supposedly logical and morally justified?, surely a law is there to work around the logistical representation rather than any other way round..this also applies to "Free Speech" laws too..

    A website promoting training of offspring in weapons handling, would likely be banned in most European nations..

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    I wonder are Republicans okay with someone owning an assault rifle capable of shooting multiple rounds without reloading that has been in and out of mental institutions. Does anyone need to be Rambo to protect themselves with a gun?

    Matt there probably are cases where that has happened but was it really necessary that they needed that type of weapon was what I was asking.

  • 1 year ago

    The Fourth Amendment to our Constitution says that we have a right to our own property but we still have to have a deed for the land we own, a title for the car we own and even a license for the dog we own.

    You're an idiot.  Why shouldn't you have a license to own a killing machine?

    The Second Amendment is fine the way it is written because the word "gun" is not used in it.

  • Manny
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    Because the Second Amendment says nothing about guns, but the right to bear ARMS. What is an arm? A rifle, sure, but so is a Howitzer and a nuclear device. Yet, it's illegal to own those two latter things as it is.

    If we already drew arbitrary lines, and everyone is okay with that, why can't we add assault rifles (a long gun, regardless of firerate, that accepts intermediate cartridges)? We know average people can't be trusted with Howitzers and nuclear devices; and we have empirical evidence that apparently they can't handle the responsibility of an assault rifle, either.

    Source(s): Try reading the Second Amendment first, for once, LOL…
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