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Trump pokes Iran, Iran strikes back, and Trump begs for peace? Why are Americans so weak?

9 Answers

  • Dave
    Lv 5
    1 year ago

    Iran is a terrorist nation that provoked the U.S. and Syria.  The news manufacturers then screamed more lies against Trump, while vindicating the terrorists.  Trump was being diplomatic when he tried to defuse the situation; but, no matter what he does, the news manufacturers will find some excuse to accuse him.  "Thou shalt not bear false witness" (9th Commandment).  You are a liar, and you shall answer to the Lord Jesus Christ on Judgment Day (Revelation 21:8, KJV).  Even so, come, Lord Jesus!  Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem, and keep the world safe from Democracy!

  • Jake
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    he does not want to go further with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    or rather you should ask why are they so ineffective?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Today’s stock market is telling you that you are a moron. Find something useful to do with your life. Whining idiotically about Trump for eight years is not doing you any good.

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  • 1 year ago

    This is a timely topic, 2T3:10, but the huge gap in logic that jumps from 1 + 1 all the way to 360,000,000 Americans being "weak" is not conducive to constructive discussion.  

    If you have not followed politicking in America, you might not know that there is a campaign season afoot for our nation's highest offices, from President to Congressional leaders...and the current White House occupant is a lifts-wearing occasionally demented Putin-puppet madman with very poor literary skills and a dangerously unstable "thin skin" to accompany his malignantly narcissistic personality disorder.  

    Iranian leaders are so far being more mature and more intelligent in responding to the Trump-ordered criminal act of murder of a highly respected fiercely patriotic for his own country General on the Iraqi airfield---an unprovoked attack that violates both U.S. law and international law.  Insecurity-driven 5'10" (pretending to be taller) Donald Trump is in deep trouble here in the U.S., already impeached and now awaiting his Senate trial where his proverbial "dirty laundry" will be broadcast for all to see.  So what is it that Trump and his warmongering oil-lusting equally criminal inside advisors doing?  DIVERSION.  They try to turn everyone's attention away from the pending witnesses and televised Senate trial with what we here in America call a WAG THE DOG operation (used by George Herbert Walker Bush in his reelection year with a lie-based "No Fly Zone" Gulf War operation in Iraq (a nation that has never attacked the U.S.), and now being used by a desperate Trump, like a spoiled cookie-stealing rich-kid toddler trying to get his punishment-minded parents from noticing the broken cookie jar on the floor behind him.  

    We will be stronger as a nation once this ugly EDEN SNAKE (evil personified) old man is removed from our White House, but the American people are not as weak as your question suggests.  Might does not make right---and diplomacy does work if done with any finesse and precision (neither of which Trump knows how to use).  Be patient with us and let us get a tough-love "MOM" (Elizabeth Warren) or other wise Democrat into our White House in January 2021, along with retiring old-fart complicit in crimes Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and putting the Senate in control of budget-balancing compassionate Democrats as well.

  • 1 year ago

    That's not how the non-US press is presenting it. 

    Canadian news sources are indicating that the rebuttal was intentionally communicated to the US through the Iraqi's in advance, to avoid bloodshed,  with an addendum that Iran would not escalate if the US would cease plans to annihilate them in their entirety. 

  • 1 year ago

    Iran missed an empty military base with Obama funded missiles. The Ayatollah would be crushed by Trump in war and they know it. Some revenge lol

  • Donnie
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Go sign up, tough guy.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Iran's "strike" missed completely.  Try to keep up.

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