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Why is western media coverage of Russia always so ridiculous?

Just look at these articles right now.


Title: "Russian government resigns as Putin proposes reforms that could extend his grip on power "

Content: "The surprise announcement came after Putin proposed constitutional amendments that would strengthen the powers of the prime minister and parliament at the expense of the presidency. Taking power from the presidency and handing it to parliament could signal a power shift that has been long speculated about in Russia."


Title: "Putin consolidates power as Russian government resigns "

Actual content: "The Russian leader proposed a national vote on constitutional changes that would push power toward the prime minister and the parliament, and away from the presidency. It’s seen as potentially limiting the power of Putin’s successor if he steps down in 2024."

The content is LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE of the title! Ever since Yeltsin shelled the Russian parliament and forced a constitution through that gave ridiculous power to the parliament, Russia's effectively been a dictatorship. Putin wanting to restore the powers of parliament should be seen as a good thing, but somehow the titles of these articles all directly contradict the content.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    So Putin wants to be Prime Minister again huh?

    Term limits currently prevent him from standing as President again, so he wants to strip the power of the Presidency and invest it in the Parliament, which he can control as Prime Minister indefinitely. 

    You kinda left out that angle of the story, Komrad. 

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    EXACTLY! Ninety Percent of the media content we rely on is produced by entities owned by just five global corporations not owned or controlled by Americans. 

  • 1 year ago

    It's weasel words. They're technically saying the truth, but in words that have a differing or misleading connotation.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    why don't you just move to russia?

    oh wait, you're already there

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