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How triggered does it make conservatards that the US Pledge of Allegiance was written by socialist Francis Bellamy?

7 Answers

  • 1 year ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a precocious grade school kid, I chose to NOT recited the Pledge of Allegiance in class once the inaccurate and First Amendment violating words "under God" were added by a right-wing zealot.  Instead, I stood mute.  If God is the "Only Presence and Power" as my faith choice teaches, then how the heck than anyone or any nation be "under"?  

    There is a timely element to your question in a sense, however, 2T3:10.  The meanings of patriotism come into play when witnessing the appalling LACK OF PATRIOTISM among the Congressional Republicans putting their own selfish-self (Ayn Rand) above national security by backing a lifts-wearing, inane, dangerously unstable, kompromat by Russian MAFIA, totally corrupt Eden-snake Trump.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    hopefully it doesnt trigger them at all

  • 1 year ago

    He espoused some socialist ideas, but he was not a leftist. The leftist globalists of today would be horrified by some of what he believed. Particularly this:

    On immigration and universal suffrage, Bellamy wrote in the editorial of The Illustrated American, Vol. XXII, No. 394, p. 258: "[a] democracy like ours cannot afford to throw itself open to the world where every man is a lawmaker, every dull-witted or fanatical immigrant admitted to our citizenship is a bane to the commonwealth.” And further: "Where all classes of society merge insensibly into one another every alien immigrant of inferior race may bring corruption to the stock. There are races more or less akin to our own whom we may admit freely and get nothing but advantage by the infusion of their wholesome blood. But there are other races, which we cannot assimilate without lowering our racial standard, which should be as sacred to us as the sanctity of our homes."

  • Mimi
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Christian Socialists are different from those like Bernie and other secular Socialists. Christian Socialists are very similar to the Amish in their thinking of Capitalism and government in general.

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  • I feel just fine now that we have added one nation under God

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  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Not at all.......

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    You lie he wasn't a socialist.

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