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Do you agree with Democrats that math is an opinion? ?

Trip Gabriel of the New York Times reported that the Iowa Democratic Party refused to correct blatant math errors on the election results because:

"The incorrect math on the Caucus Math Worksheets must not be changed to ensure the integrity of the process...Any judgement of math miscalculations would insert personal opinion into the process."

3 Answers

  • James
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    No, I don’t agree with your delusion.

  • zeno
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    It's not a math problem just a corruption

    Aspect of lying liberals who oppose your

    Rights and are authoritarians who want

    To oppress everyone like barbarians. They

    Will promise free everything to get into

    Office and grab power but once they are

    There they prove they are liars by turning

    Their back to you and only focus on tearing

    Down our economy and taking away jobs

    And hurting all Americans. They only care

    About their money and privilege and the

    Elite ruling class. They look down on the

    People and think of you as useful idiots

    Or cattle or sheep or slaves they can push

    Around or manipulate or beat up and starve

    To death to get what they want. It's all about

    Them. Not you or anyone else you know. Ok?

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Libtards are hilarious little shitheads.

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