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Why does my crush avoid talking about her love life in front of me?

In the past she'd sometimes mention hanging out with a "friend" that she was obviously dating at the time. I'll walk into the room and hear her talking to her friend about her love life then they will always both just stop abruptly and start talking about something else.

I'm fairly sure my crush at least suspects I have a crush on her(actually I showed strong interest in the past), and she sometimes flirts and gives me positive signals.

Is she trying to avoid hurting my feelings? wouldn't it be much better to always talk about a guy she is currently interested in, in front of me, to turn me off her?

1 Answer

  • 1 year ago

    People do tend to gossip but smart people watch out WHO they gossip about and who they gossip with. No one in their right mind is going to gossip and not care a lick who might overhear. Cause that's mostly stupid and really rude.

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