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Lv 5
Dave asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 months ago

What "racism"?

Blacks have it made in this country. They have perfect freedom, and have more benefits living in the U.S. than in any other country. The only racism comes from Socialists, who conspire to keep blacks dependent on welfare.

6 Answers

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    Trying to paint Bigotry, Discrimination, Hate & Tribalism as inherently European is false as such behavior along with slavery started with Early humans in East Africa when early humans expanded into separate tribes competing for territories & limited food resources that are still practiced there since before the great migration of early humans. Tribalism & Bigotry will never disappear as it's human & animal nature as well that can be suppress by being self reliant, honorable, humble, honest & kind. Journalist Keith Richburg Author of Out of Africa 'Thanked God for Slavery' bringing his ancestors to the USA.

    Slavery was a universally accepted practice world wide for 10,000+ years. African's, Amerindians, Middle Easterners... committed massacre's to acquire slaves among their own race & others. Abolitionist Shakers, Anabaptist, & (R)s viewed it as something that shouldn't be practiced & tolerated any longer, while the (D)s viewed as a universally accepted practice & sanctioned allowed by god since Adam & Eve came into being. Both side felt they were in the right, but the abolition movement against slavery ultimately won.

    Serfdom, Caste, & Chattel were 3 types of slavery practiced. Serfdom was when the family or clan & their descendants within the land owned by a lord or lords are enslaved by whom ever owns the land or who it falls to. Chattel Slavery is what revisionist claim was exclusive in the America only. Chattel Slavery have been practiced in Africa, the Middle East, & Ancient Rome. In the 7th Century Islam turned the male Congoid Chattel Slaves into eunuchs. Just like in pre-Civil War USA, Slave owners in ancient Rome can free their slaves. In Islam the slave has to convert to Islam, but great exemplary sacrifice to the nation's society was usually required (militaristic conquest/defense). Trans-Atlantic & East Arabian Slave trade, Arabs, Arabize Congoids, & hunting gathering Congoid Kingdoms or Villages did the dirty work of massacring 1/2-2/3rds of the villages they raid or conquer to obtain the slave. Caste slavery is probably the worst form of slavery where a clan or entire tribe & their descendants are restricted to only one profession for the rest of their lives.

    The push to abolished slavery world wide would not have been expedient, if the US Civil War hadn't Happen. England abolished slavery in the late 1700s (Serfs)- early 1800s (Congoid). Russia abolished slavery & emancipated Russian Serfs (Europid Slaves/Slavs as Eastern Europe didn't have African Slaves) in 1862. USA Abolished Slavery in 1864. Brazil abolished slavery in 1890s but continued it with the Xingu Amazonian Tribes through 1920s for rubber. The Russian waves of Immigrants in the late 1800s & early 1900s before the 1914 Russian Revolution were most likely former Russian Serfs/Slaves turned indentured servants. European slaves existed since 3K BC & there were European Slaves up to 1880s in Turkey when the Sultan abolished slavery for Europeans (mostly Crimean, Circassian, Ukrainian & Slavic States) & Congoid Slaves. When Russia turned Communist after the Russian Revolution: Royals, Nobles, Aristocrats, commoners, & former Serfs were subjugated into state bondage forcibly or voluntarily. Southern Europeans in Spain were enslaved for 800 years until the late 1400s when the Moors were expelled from Spain. European slaves gradually got their freedom before WWI, but could've persisted until 1964 when Saudi Arabia Abolished Slavery. Europeans growing strength from their technology & push to abolished slavery globally likely convinced Islamic states in N. Africa & Arabia  to end caste/chattel slavery in 1964 with the exception of Mauritania where it continued until 2007, but slavery continues in N. Africa, Yemen, Sahel... as Al Jazeera reported just 5 years ago.

    Before the Portuguese sailed around Africa & set up trading ports with costal Bush kingdoms. Africa was the worst continent for Congoids & Capoids. Tribal warfare controlled population through sacrificial ceremonies that may involved having to consume sacrificial offerings, a practice that still exist. Joshua Blayhi (Gen. Butt Naked) being notorious for conducting these sacrificial ceremonies as its High Priest in Liberia (VICE: Cannibal Warlords). In Tanzania Albinos, mostly children, are killed for their body parts as charms, souvenirs, & even consumed in the same manner that Gorilla hands and feet are sold as charms or souvenirs, the rest being consumed in the beliefs of gaining some powers.

    With the arrival of Arabs (1000CE-1100CE) in the interior of Sub Sahara then Europeans (1500CE), it became more profitable for Congoid bush kingdoms to sell rival bush kingdoms, tribes, criminals, & peasantry. After abolition of slavery swept Europe, N. Americas, then central & S. America 20-40 years later Congoid bush Kingdoms, later republics, still had a reliable slave trading partner with Arab & Arabize nations for another 100-140 years. The most famous slave market was in Egypt well into the 60s. Sunni Islamists ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram... brought back slavery in their territory & Caliphate.

    Europids tried to develop Sub Sahara Africa. Now China tries to finish where Europeans left off. What Congoid Africans truly need for success is to have a majority (90%, if not 100%) of the population responsible, self reliant/independent, accountable, honest, honorable & control population growth necessary for stability & prosperity. Congoids world population grew from less than 30 million to 1 billion+ from 1500-2020 because of European industrialization, science, technology, medicine, & food preservation, academics, economics, out of Africa & European pursuit in abolishing slavery. (Pre Columbian Human Population: China 100M, Japan 12M, Korea 6M, Mongolia 5M, Europe 50M, Africa 30M, Central Asia 20M, S. Asia 50M, SE Asia 25M, Australia/Oceana 1M, Siberia 1M, Americas N/S 25M)

    Brazil, Cuba, Caribbean Islands & North East South America had a slave population of 40%-60%+, 20%+ slave owners, 2-5 decades late in abolishing slavery. Haiti had 2/3, if not 3/4 slave population, but didn't really end slavery rather replaced the masters with lighter skin, better haired & looking version of themselves. Prior to the end of the US CIVIL WAR, the US had 3.5-4 million slave population owned by 1% of the free population of 40 million at the end of US Civil War. 28% of Louisiana & Mississippi had Congoids Slave owners & owned plantations. Congoids replaced the Caribbean Amerind population. US Congoid population grew 20x than the Amerindian population from 4 million (1864) to 40+ million (2020).

    Congoid (D)s hated the memory of slavery with a fashion & still can't let go of it, but affiliates with the party of slavery (D) & dons Kente Cloth stoles created (likely in1800s) by Ashanti kingdom that was raiding villages & rival Kingdoms for slaves in the interior of Africa to supply the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade & East Arabian Slave Trade showed how ignorant (D) congress are of the Ashanti making up the excuse that the cloth doesn't mean slavery because it was created or worn after 1804 when the Brits Abolished slavery, but continued in Africa into the 2000s AD. The ancient swastika symbol wasn't a symbol of Europid supremacy, but it became a symbol of Europid supremacy because the NAZI wore the Swastika, believed Europids were superior & carried out genocide on Caucasian Jews. The Ashanti were African slave holding kingdom who believe in slavery, practiced slavery & even argued against abolition of slavery as it is their god given right dictated by their oracle. Other slave raiders, holders, traders African tribes argued for the same right. (D)s from FDR to Robert Byrd, even Biden tolerated the rebel flag as a symbol of dissent (resistance) allowed/guaranteed in the 1st amendment.

    America's Congoid descent will have full freedom, if they seek independence. They can make their own currency, they'll have to take responsibility & hold themselves accountable to become self reliant, write their own laws, discipline the delinquent, criminal & corrupt element by policing themselves, educate or indoctrinate, & create jobs or put 40+ millions of former Congoid Americans to work. It'll end affirmative action putting high emphasis on merit & discipline. It will also put the grievance race hustlers out of work using racism as an excuse or hide behind to mask their own tribal bigotry, bias, crime & corruption will no longer fly.

    When children become of age they are expected to leave & be on their own. It's been 156 years since slavery was abolished by Europid breed of the Union States. Many exceptional Congoid descent have been taught & educated by Europid instructors & professors before integration of schools were mandated such as the female mathematician in hidden figures. Merit was a big deal then, not anymore as public schooling has deteriorated with 1/3 are faults of students unwilling to learn & follow a disciplined & honorable lifestyle. After the 60s, athletes, entertainers in music, films, even business entrepreneurs have made hundreds of Congoid millionaires & billionaires. Together they can all Finance & invest in an independent sovereign territory the size of Puerto Rico or Puerto Rico itself, enough for 10+ million people with skyscrapers 60+ million population is possible, copying the Singapore model, a tiny nation (1/12 the size of Puerto Rico) with a population of 5.7 million gaining independence in 1965 without foreign aide & loans from USA.


  • 10 months ago

    Free stuff cripples. Democrats know this. It is alleged that a100yr old died in the wool southern racist said "I vote democrat because they know how to controll the darkies. The policy of crippling blacks is working better than they could have hoped for.

  • 10 months ago

    You have it made on Y Answers. You can keep spouting your retarded drivel for like-minded mouth-breathers and maybe even upset a person you don’t know. Living the dream!

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  • 10 months ago

    Good point, the killing of George Floyd was not a racist incident, police brutality even murder yes, but not racist.

    The fake news media and the liberal left report systemic racism in America, yet the America has huge immigration and 82% of those immigrants are minorities. 

    The USA has more minority millionaires than any country in the world.

    See the democrat leaders accuse racism to excuse 60 years of failed democrat social policy that has created black education drop outs, black poverty and crime rates.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    Slave mentality

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