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Satan is the master of lies, yes? What if some of the words that are accepted as gospel, are actually Satan's lies?

How diabolical would it be if Satan convinced, and incited, the people of the world to have a massive all out war, thereby transforming Earth into a poisonous wasteland? What if it was Satan that said, "Be fruitful and multiply." knowing what overpopulation would do? What if Satan is the one that promised that Jesus would return and that, after Armageddon, He would restore the Earth to a paradise? What if Satan knew that people would be much less willing to destroy Mother Earth if they knew She could never be restored?

10 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    Then Jesus is a liar. Sorry, that dog don't bark.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    Jesus said about Satan: “He did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.” Satan has not changed. He is still “misleading the entire inhabited earth” with his lies. (Revelation 12:9) But we do not want Satan to mislead us. So we need to know the answers to three questions. How is Satan misleading people today? Why do people lie? And how can we speak the truth all the time so that we do not lose Jehovah’s friendship, as Adam and Eve did?​—Read Psalm 15:1, 2.

  • Satan many times tells lies, and other times he tells the truth, depending on what is asked of him!

    The massive world war will happen on the day, in the month, and in the year that has been prophesied by God!

    Satan will gather all the nations of the world to make war against each other, and with nuclear weapons will end human existence on earth.

    Did Satan suggest you say this lie in your mind? E 'Satan, the creature of God to create, or is the Creator is God!

    Be careful that you will end up with Satan, your god, in hell, after this earthly life, why do you say Lies, like yours, Satan?

  • Oleg
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    The problem is you are taking God out of the picture, and this shows that this question of yours is based on Satan's influence.

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  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    If it were true that a being such as Satan were real, then the one book he would influence the writing of the most, would be, the book of revelation.

    Dun dun duuuuuuun 

  • 9 months ago

    There's no "if" about it - Satan IS the master of lies! The subtlety of how he ever so slightly changes what God actually said to a distortion is shown in the pages of the Bible, starting in Genesis. God said to the first couple regarding procreation, "FILL the Earth" - not over-fill it! Now here you are, whispering in our ears the idea that Satan might have given the green light to be fruitful and multiply to the point of overpopulation!  Satan cannot authorize procreation for he is but a creature himself, who cannot procreate (not being human).

    God has already warned us (in Revelation 11:18) that He will destroy those destroying the Earth. We have a God-given mandate to care for Earth and its resources (including not over-populating it, but sticking to filling the Earth). Only those persuaded by the subtle lies of Satan disregard their God-given duties.

  • 9 months ago

    Satan is a figment of your imagination.

  • 9 months ago

    THE WHEAT AND THE TARES ARE THERE TOGETHER; Only a true SERVANT can distinguish the difference.

  • 9 months ago

    there are allegations. yes. first, there is the book of mormon which says the angel says the bible was changed.  by the church of the devil which takes out the plain and precious things. this causes spiritual blindness and confusion. after this there is also the scholarship of Bart Erhman who claims half the epistles of Paul are forgeries. so there is this also. there has always been priestcrafts and wolves in sheeps clothing, and the entire library of writings of the apostles is not contained in the new testament.

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Sounds like you’re trapped in a different universe

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