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Are Trinitarians going to vote for ?

Kayne  West for president ?

8 Answers

  • DP.
    Lv 6
    9 months ago

    Why would a JW who cannot vote be interested in who others were going to vote for?

    Just asking the question shows an interest in something JWs consider immoral!

  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    9 months ago


    How can you misunderstand, Satan saying "I give it to whomever I wish"?

    So whomever Satan wants to rule, that person will be the ruler. This statement doesn't require interpretation, since it is very clear.

    That is why human governments are described as wild and ferocious beasts.

    That is why Jesus is going to destroy all man made governments.

    Rom 13 says we are to obedient to worldly governments, but no where does it say we are to take part in those government.

    The apostles also tell us, this obedience is limited. Our prime obedience is to Jehovah and his Son, Jesus, so we only disobey man made governments when they command us to disobey God.

    How did the 1st century Christians understand God's word?

    “While they [the Christians] inculcated the maxims of passive obedience, they refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defense of the empire. . . . It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.”—The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, Vol. I, p. 416.

    David, your allegiance and participation to human governments negates your allegiance to God. Your actions deny your stated belief.

    (Revelation 3:1) . . .‘I know your deeds, that you have the name that you are alive, but you are dead.

    By being involved in the governments, You have become a friend of the world, and thus an enemy to God.


    According to God's word,

    It doesn't matter who they vote for.

    (Luke 4:6) 6 Then the Devil said to him: “I will give you all this authority and their glory, because it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

    So the winner will be the one Satan wants to win.

    If the one you voted for wins, you voted for Satan's choice.

    If the one you voted for didn't win, at least you voted for the one Satan didn't want.


  • David
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    November is months away, but my first reaction is no.  Unless he turns out to be a better alternative than either Trump or Biden.

  • Juli
    Lv 5
    9 months ago

    Why do you jehovah's witnesses ask insulting questions then cry persecution when someone insults you?

    Why are you concerned about voting when you claim to be against politics?

    You  wonder why people find you JWs arrogant and bullies?

    Yeah, as usual, my answer will disappear because you JWs are dishonest.


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  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 months ago


    why use this word like sludge? 

    your own words will haunt you, (SOON).

    mocking GOD has consequences. 

    Gal 6:7

  • 9 months ago

    There is no way I would vote for Kanye West, for a variety of reasons one being because he is a Trump lackey and, but mainly because I feel he is simply not qualified to be POTUS. 

  • 9 months ago

    I fell off my chair when I read that in the news.  I laughed very hard.  It was quite entertaining.  

    More going on there, though, than meets the eye.

    Hannah J Paul

  • No!

    Will the Geovattans vote in favor if they let themselves go to their saloon bar? O0ps..., shaving saloon?

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