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Why do so many people apparently not understand that disagreeing with an interpretation of a religious text is not "calling God a liar"?

I have frequently seen answers and comments posted that say things like "accepting evolution means that you are calling God a liar", but the Bible (and all other religious texts) say nothing about evolution, and at best only make very brief reference to how life was supposedly created.

It is also pretty much universally accepted that religious texts were written by humans, and are interpreted by humans (which is why there are so many sects with different beliefs within religions).

So how is disagreeing with specific interpretations "calling God a liar" rather than treating the part humans played in writing/interpreting the texts as potentially flawed?


To the 'anonymous' coward who started their answer with "Read this.....", as I posted in a comment below your answer (a comment which I now can't see after you have seemingly blocked me):

What makes you believe that anything in the Bible is "the word of God"?

And why are you so scared of opinions that disagree with you that you run straight for the 'block button'?

7 Answers

  • 9 months ago

    It's complicated. A lot of people have been indoctrinated by a lot of different preachers, many of whom disagree among themselves. That said, you're walking a very fine line.

  • 9 months ago

    People try to bully you that way.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 months ago

    The people who say that, assuming they're not trolls are uneducated or mentally disturbed in some way. It's just a few people though.

  • 9 months ago

    They always doing that. The punishment in the Lake of Fire will be not eternal and not physical? - You calling Gad a lier.

    Jesus is not God- You calling God a lier.

    That is just a manipulation.Their problem is that they think that Gog cared that there will be one Book for every nation and time where would be written everything. Of course, if God gave that Book, that is impossible that if I, a sincere Christian, will read it with an open heart, with positive emotions, diligently, constantly, and will misunderstand it.  

    Thus, every thought which came to me during reading the Bible, in which I am sure, is a word of God. And if other Christians contradict my "celestial" understanding of the Bible, the must be read the Bible without an open heart and sincerity. Otherwise, they would understand it the same way I understand. Because I can know 100% whether I was sincere or not. That gives me the right to judge. 

    Simply, their logic based on an initially incorrect basis. 

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 months ago

    I apologize for Charles Darwin. He was one of ours. I think he might have been sipping tea with Lewis Carroll's Mad Hatter that day. 

    But the bottom line is that I am not a biologist. I have never even continued past secondary school. So I really don't know a whole lot about that stuff. But I do know what the Bible says and it says that God created everything. If your evolution stuff conflicts with God creating everything, then I'm going to stick with the Bible. 

  • 9 months ago

    Matthew 19:4. That's Jesus talking. As a Christian, I follow Christ. If I do not believe what Christ says, then I believe he's a liar. Christianity cannot be melded with belief in evolutionary process. 

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Read this.....

    Exodus 20:11 KJV — For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

    Now then, is it true, or is God a liar? Theres no way to misinterpret it.

    >>>but the Bible (and all other religious texts) say nothing about evolution, <<<

    Because any such concept runs counter to the whole word of God, and constitutes utter tripe.

    >>>>It is also pretty much universally accepted that religious texts were written by humans, and are interpreted by humans<<<

    Tell that to the billions worldwide who recognize the Bible as the word of God.

    Believe as you will, but facts don't care about your beliefs. 

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