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Am I being crazy?

Background: I had a crush on my female coworker ages ago and I gave her a lot of strong signals, but she really didn't seem interested so I let it go... a lot of mixed signals... and then more negative signals(when she started seeing someone)

Recently: i've gotten closer to another female coworker, whom I really like as a friend. For months, i've mostly avoided looking at crush coworker(now single as far as I know) and don't speak to her much unless she initiates a conversation, or I need something work-related... but stay civil and polite. I still have some feelings for crush coworker but hide it well. I feel like me getting closer to my coworker friend bothers crush coworker a bit.

Today, I was sitting at a computer just idly leafing through a book minding my own business and half-listening to conversations around me when I picked up crush coworker talking to her friend about this guy she saw on a night out and found attractive "he was so tall, so blah blah, and really good at dancing, etc.." then I swear there was heavy silence for a couple of seconds and then she calls my name, as if to see if i was listening to what she was saying.. I paused before turning around, making it seem like i was deeply engrossed in the book... then she just asks me some unimportant question.

So what's going on here?

A) she was trying to show me she's not interested in me (months after I stopped showing interest in her?)

B) she was trying to make me jealous

C) I am going crazy!

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    I suppose..........

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