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Lv 4
Pat asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 months ago

Other than Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower, what Republican President since 1900 can say they did something for the average American?

Roosevelt pushed for protective labor laws, minimum wage and breaking up monopolies. Eisenhower, led the allied forces in WWII,  improved Social Security, built our highway system and tried to pushed to end racial discrimination.

Hoover failed to stop the banks from lending to market speculators which led to the Great Depression. Nixon was a crook and opened up trade with China. Reagan busted unions and pushed trickle down economics.  W. Bush cut taxes on capital gains helping investors and real estate brokers. Also gave a $6 billion tax break to big oil and failed to stop unscrupulous bankers from Causing the 2007 recession. Trump gave corporations, like his, a major tax break.  It boosted an already booming economy giving investors even more profits.

Maybe someone can list anything major that republicans have done for the average American. In case you’re mistaken, Obama created more jobs during his last 3years than Trumps first 3 years.

OK, go . . .

6 Answers

  • 6 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thank Nixon for the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act.  LOL

  • Pat
    Lv 4
    6 months ago

    Nothing wrong with capitalism and working hard to make money, but why do all the real tax breaks and loopholes go to business and not anything for the worker. Corporations can’t operate without workers, yet owners and management make 10, 20, sometimes 40 times more than their employees. 

    With Trumps tax plan did we see more jobs and big gains in salary? Obama created more jobs in his last three years than Trump did in his first three years, and he didn’t give corporations a 41% break in their taxes. Corporate owners, investors really made out big by Trump while the average worker saw a pittance that got eaten up by rising prices. Workers in many states are making less than $8 an hour? Housing in many areas are out of reach for many hourly workers. Pensions are a thing of the past. Unions lack any real power to fight for decent wages and benefits. The income gap has only gotten wider. The Republican mantra of jobs, jobs, jobs have allowed businesses to avoid paying their fair share for running the country. For years most republicans want to reduce or eliminate social security, the Affordable Care Act has been attacked and if repealed millions will lose health insurance and the top 1% will save from $32,000 to $250,000 a year. Trump has rolled back pollution regulations so businesses can operate cheaper. Create a business, create jobs but make a fair profit and pay better wages and benefits within those parameters. If a business is very profitable then workers should also share in that profitability. We have been losing the middle class that once made us great to greed at the top. Sad . . .

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    So who would be employing all of those average people if the nation doesn't encourage business?  There is a reason that business will invest in people.  And when you restrict those reasons to invest (high tax and restriction) they are just as happy to move the business elsewhere and invest in the citizens of those places.  Capitalism isn't an enemy.  The people who get mad at capitalism are the ones who would rather settle to have a little bit handed to them that to work hard for a lot.  And that's fine if you want to settle for second, third or 30th best.  But don't deny the opportunity to those who want more, and don't stack the deck against them because you don't want to take chances and build things in the US

  • martin
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Nixon replaced the draft with the lottery system during the Vietnam War.

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  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Thank Reagan for killing Communist Russia by bankrupting it trying to keep up with our bogus "Star Wars" space defense program.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Every one that made it easier to keep more if the money I earned.  That’s more than any f ucking democrat leech has done. 

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