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Regardless of the final outcome after all legal challenges, do you agree that what happened in Pennsylvania's vote count was a load of crap?

Even if it is found that there was nothing illegal going on, and every vote was in fact, legitimate, there appears to have been a high level of incompetence in the way the votes were counted. Fortunately, or unfortunately, incompetence is not illegal. Lucky for Biden. 

I did not support Biden, and quite frankly I do not want to see Joe Biden as the 46th President of The United States. I surely do not want to see Kamala Harris as the 47th. However, I am resigned to the fact that both Biden and Harris will be inaugurated as President in 2021. That being said, I also believe Pennsylvania put this nation through a lot of unnecessary B***S***!!! What say you?


Mr. Sceptic, If the producers of Dancing with The Stars can count close to a million votes in 2 minutes, you would think Pennsylvania election officials could count every vote cast in one night. 

Anonymous, I don't have any more faith in FOX News than I do CNN, (The Clinton News Network). 

3 Answers

  • 5 months ago

    We used to get election results the day of the election. In fact, we used to learn who won Presidential elections many times before the polls closed on the West Coast. But then that was before the days of hyper-partisanship and an over abundance of idiocy and incompetetence from Democrats and Republicans.

  • 5 months ago

    When it is found that there was nothing illegal going on, and every vote was in fact, legitimate, you might like to look at the crowds of thugs who attempted to intimidate government employees trying to do a difficult job quickly under pressure.

    TV show votes are all done electronically with no checks on eligibility to vote, or whether someone has voted multiple times. There is no transparency, no check on the accuracy of the count, and frankly, it doesn’t matter who wins. 

    If that’s what you’re happy to accept in a Presidential election you can have quick counting.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Nope.  In fact you're flat wrong, and you're clearly just parroting the info spoonfed to you by Fox News.

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