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Why is it that most poverty alleviation comes out of China, but western economists pretend Chinese economists don't exist?

They even gave out a Nobel prize recently to someone for their work on poverty alleviation, someone who didn't have anything to do with China and completely rejected even adopting a Chinese economic analysis.

It is strange to me how westerners continue to pretend like China doesn't exist and their economic theories are all crazy and fringe despite them being the largest economy in the world by GDP (PPP) and growing incredibly fast.

6 Answers

  • Aaron
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    because China has done a good job of reducing poverty ,otherwise ,the western media will not cover this all day long ,it's well known that since 1978 when the reform and opening up was implemented ,China has undergone earthshaking change ,China's per capital GDP was only 25 dollars ,the average life expectancy has increased from 35 years to 70 years ,more than several hundred million people has been lifted out of poverty , a wide range of high-rise buildings and residential buildings has sprang up at an impressive rate ,many railway station has been upgraded ,and a lot of land have been reclaimed for building factory and warehouse,the emergence of these factory also provide robust impetus for rural economic growth ,which gets many people out of poverty ,

    You will find many third-tiered city in China is not what it is used to be ,I believe that most politician will be stunned at the achievement china has gained over the past decades ,,even if China has do well in improving poverty ,western country will not accept china's economic theory ,

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    China has way better prices and that's how most poverty alleviation comes from China.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Our countries biting the hand that fed them...

    It was all good and well when we were down and out...

    I don't know how anyone can have any respect for that...

    I get the feeling our Prime Minister's had it up to her neck with our s***.....

  • R R
    Lv 4
    4 months ago

    Asia is taking people out of poverty by adopting Capitalist reforms, I say western economists are looking at those Chinese economists and asking them, what took you so long?

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  • 4 months ago

    Oiy, are you really that stupid? Both are obviously true. China has the largest population in the world, therefore it having a larger GDP than the US is not surprising. That is in no way contradictory to it being a poor country, since IT HAS THE LARGEST POPULATION IN THE WORLD. Its GDP per capita is low. Why are you posting in Economics if you're this stupid?

    R R

    You are so ******* braindead

    Why are Americans this stupid

    China's economy is in no way comparable to the US and WHY ARE YOU POSTING IN THE ECONOMIC SECTION IF YOU HAVE SO LITTLE KNOWLEDGE.

    China's economy is far BETTER than the US and is MILES apart.

  • Oiy
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    China has claimed two things at the same time, even in WTO. Firstly, it is the third word country with average income at the bottom. Or secondly, it is the richest country in the world surpassed the US in terms of gross GDP. No one knows which one is real. Not even the world economists.

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