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Immigration partner vistor visa?

So me an my partner are applying for a visa to my country( new zealand) I am a citizen in where currently on holiday in mexico an they have ask for proof of living together we been on holiday for 2months sharing bills etc isn't that enough proof


Yes we have same address on letters but not on tendercy an we have been on holiday for over 2months now sharing bills such as Airbnb an other activeys as hobbys 

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Partner???? Five months ago you posted to say at 29 you had never had a girlfriend. A bit later you had been 'dating some time', and now you have a partner.

    Sorry to sound harsh. But you don't have a partner. A partner is someone you live with, but aren't married to. You have someone you met on holiday and have been seeing. 

    You don't live together. You share the same holiday accommodation. Not the same thing at all.

    You need to return to NZ. Alone. And get a job and a place to live and some money behind you and THEN apply to bring her over. You need to be in a position to sponsor her.

  • 3 months ago

    Two months of sharing some expenses on a holiday is no proof of a genuine partnership akin to marriage. You must have lived together for over a year (some countries require 2 yrs minimum) in a committed relationship akin to marriage. You need joint bank accounts & bill paying, joint names on the lease or title to your property, reciprocal wills, reciprocal life insurance policies, etc. Same as a typical married couple would have. You are not partners at this point, just a short-term fling. 

    Better, if this is a genuinely committed relationship, is to marry. You must also prove you have a job in NZ earning enough to support your spouse, have a suitable home in NZ for both of you to live, etc. 

  • Foofa
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Don't think two months on holiday qualifies you as domestic partners under the Property/Relationships Act of 1976. But there appears to be a clause citing "extraordinary circumstances" so maybe the pandemic travel restrictions would play in your favor. You'll have to talk to a solicitor who does NZ immigration law. 

  • 3 months ago

    If you want to bring your girlfriend to New Zealand you will need to get married.  You will also need to have a job, a place to live and earn enough to support her. 

    Two months together on holiday does not qualify as a partnership. 

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  • Maxi
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Going away on holiday is not proof for immigration of  'living together'

  • Tavy
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    That is not living together just a short holiday.

    Look on the immigration site it will say which documents they want.

  • 3 months ago

    Do you actually live together? (NB holidaying together doesn't count)

    Proof would generally be a lease, shared bills, proof of sharing the same residency etc. 

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