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Roxie asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 2 months ago

Why are my questions sometimes (wrongly) recategorized?

For instance, I asked about travel to Ethiopia. I categorized my question under Travel/Africa. It mysteriously showed up in Society/Culture. Earlier, I’d asked a question about silicone baking tins in Cooking. It got moved to Entertainment/Polls & Surveys. It gets annoying, having to recheck my questions to make sure they haven’t been moved.


As if to prove my point, THIS question was just relocated to Polls and Surveys! I’ve re-relocated it here. Let’s see if it stays...

3 Answers

  • .
    Lv 7
    2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is an algorithm that places questions when you originally submit them, and sometimes it places them poorly (usually due to no useful keywords or keywords that apply more to a different subcategory). 


    In spite of Level 7 users losing the ability to relocate misplaced questions well over a year ago, it's clear there are users who having the coding skills to get around that limitation. The algorithm here does not move questions once they are submitted, only a user can do that. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    must be a glitch, as such things are not supposed to happen. Only the asker can change the category of a question - or someone hacking the asker's account

  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Its the Key Words that you used in your Question Yahoo's System thinks it goes in there 

    You can Fix it at any time by going into the Question and click on the Edit button then click Edit Category then Select a new one for it then click Submit

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