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Is Ms Marvel a graphic novel series or a comic book series?

And what is the difference? Or are the terms interchangeable?

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3 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    The terms can be interchangeable. Comics are confusing so there's multiple answers to your question, but to generally answer what you're asking: Ms Marvel is first published in 20 page comic books sold at comic shops. Then after 6 of them are out they're published as a 120 page graphic novel which is sold at book stores. 

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    It is a comic book series that has been released in collections as graphic novels

  • 2 months ago

    So, these terms often have fuzzy lines.  Here's how I regarded them growing up, but realize there were times when a company might call something X when I felt Y was a better term for it.

    A comic book is a single issue.

    A comic book series is a series of issues.

    A Trade Paperback (TPB) is typically a compilation of a particular set of issues.  Ideally that have some cohesive story arc, but often not.  In fact, USUALLY not.

    A Graphic Novel (GN) might be a collection of issues, or might be new content published in that form, but is more likely to cover a discrete story arc that connects the material together.

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