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Is this new generation of anime any good?

I was raised off of naruto and bleach so im a little skeptical

3 Answers

  • 6 hours ago

    The slime anime is pretty good. Or at lease good in my opinion.

  • User
    Lv 7
    9 hours ago

    Well...some not very old ones (< 10 years old) that I've enjoyed (and note: I also enjoyed Naruto and Bleach)

    - Tiger and Bunny (really good, wish they made more seasons)

    - One Punch Man (very funny, and ditto with regard to not enough episodes)

    - Hunter x Hunter (2011) (note: gets a little boring in the last couple of seasons)

    - Attack on Titan (I found engaging at first, but it moves SO slowly that I gave up after the fourth season)

  • Anonymous
    10 hours ago

    Anime is all the same just cartoon girls with big eyes a lot of the time.

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