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Mechagodzilla (Monsterverse) vs Thanos (MCU)?

Thanos has the space and power stones.

Who would win and why?

I say Mechagodzilla

3 Answers

  • 11 hours ago

    MCU Thanos threw a moon at Ironman, Ironman got back up without a scratch on his armor. Thanos destroyed Ironman's armor with his bear hands. So according to that, Thanos has a punching power that could probably destroy an Earth size planet or at lease half of it. I doubt Mecha-Godzilla can with stand that kind of force because Mecha-Godzilla got easily chopped up to pieces by Godzilla's energy that was able to drill half way through the Earth.

  • 13 hours ago

    Mechagodzilla with a stomp. Thanos is no match forMechagodzilla and Mechagodzilla would crush him like cockroaches.

  • 13 hours ago

    Mechagodzilla would get battered. Thanos can literally control space and has the power stone that can do mad ****

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