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Have the Democrats succeeded in destroying NYC?  Even the Pres. of Stock Exchange threatening to leave because of high taxes.?

6 Answers

  • Gary
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    The LIEberal left socialist demoCROOKS that are financially able to escape the large demoCROOK controlled cities and states because of the taxes are escaping in DROVES to RED states and cities and the mayors and governors of those states and cities are BEGGING them to stay so they can continue to RAPE them for they're money! But the escapees mistake is they're also trying to convert those RED states and cities into BLUE ones and that will just make them have to do the same thing again in a few years if they succeed! Just WHEN will these demoCROOKS learn you can't have a demoCROOK government WITHOUT them being TAXED to DEATH to finance it!!!

    Personally I wouldn't go to ANY large demoCROOK controlled city for ANYTHING or ANY REASON if I had ANY choice in the matter UNLESS they honored my Florida CWP and allowed me to LEGALLY carry there because of the RAMPANT CRIME in these cities and I REFUSE to be a victim!! I would rather die defending myself, loved ones, money and property than to let these criminals STEAL ANY of them from me!!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    After seeing the crime in NYC, I'd never want to live there. In fact, I'm not sure I'd even want to visit. I always wanted to visit for Christmas one year. It's been on my bucket list. From the view of a southerner,  seems like such a magical place for Christmas. Ice skating in the park, a huge Christmas tree downtown, and snow. And of course it's got to be a shoppers wonderland with some of the most unique stores you'll see anywhere. Do you think if I worked real hard and saved for years, that I would have a good time there on this once in a lifetime vacation? Or would I be minding my own business, shopping and contributing to the recovering economy, only to suddenly get yelled at by a scary mob who assumed I was a rich snob just because of the color of my skin? Or maybe I would get pushed onto the subway tracks. Or maybe I would be walking down the street and some young man would see that I am a little on the older side, 5 ft 1 in tall and female, and bravely run up and punch me with all his strength? Most of the people doing these crimes are under age 25. And a good amount of them are still minors, running around the streets and their parents don't know or care where they are. They have another thing in common, too, but I'm not allowed to mention it. They probably don't vote, so I wouldn't call them Democrats. However, they have been egged on by Democrats. And they have Democrats as parents.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    NYC is one of the greatest cities on the planet.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You don't know how this all works, do you? LOL!

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  • 2 months ago

    Jeancommunicates.............more old nonsense!

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Good riddance.  Nobody supports gambling with our economy, anymore.

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