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Is hell fire a Godly teaching would anybody made in God’s image torture someone for all eternity and sustain their life?


If we had a ravenous dog bite our child and there was no choice would you torture the animal or put it in your fireplace? Would you sustain its life forever under agony? How much a child if you wouldn’t do that to a animal. It makes more sense and is humane and godly to just put it down. God destroying his enemies and rebellious children in the 2nd death or lake of fire forever make more since. They die and there is no resurrection

8 Answers

  • Rod
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    Unfortunately many christians are not researching bible lexicons to find the context and meaning of this hell-fire Jesus spoke of e.g (Matt 5:22-30)

    Hell-fire from the Greek word "gehenna" which was a real place in Jerusalem in bible times where dead animal bodies and rubbish was burnt up by fire.

    In the O/T it was identified to a location called the valley of Hinnom where awful pagan practices were carried out on humans including children being sacrificed to false gods who were thrown alive into burning fires.

    It had a terrible history behind it and this was the context of Jesus warning his fellow Jews that if they did not repent they would suffer the humiliation of having their dead bodies thrown into this hell-fire of gehenna.

    Jesus even warned them that it was better for people to pluck out there right eye or cut off their right hand (after they were dead!) than have their whole body thrown into this hell-fire.

    This is the context of hell-fire.

    Yet many christians today have fallen for a tradition/myth invented by certain church authorities of the past that this hell-fire was somewhere in eternity where the unsaved go immediately after death to be cruelly tormented in fire forever because they rejected Jesus as their Savouir.

    In a nutshell in general usage in the bible the word hell is simply the common grave and the ending of life through death.

    Hebrew "sheol" meaning the Grave.

    Greek "hades" meaning the abode of the dead.

    English "hell" (original meaning) a covering of the dead in the grave.

    God is NOT some cruel and sadistic monster who puts unsaved people in a torture type chamber of fire and allows them to suffer forever and ever... 

    God doesn't give the unsaved eternal life in heaven through Jesus and the gospel (1Cor 15:1-4) because they CHOOSE no to it.

    The wages of sin is DEATH (Rom 6:23) This is fair, if a person doesn't want life after death then they get death never to exist again commonly called the second death in the lake of fire (Rev 20:12-15)

    Source(s): KJV 1611 bible
  • 2 months ago

    No, it is not scriptural. Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10 tells us that the dead are unconscious. They cannot feel pain and are asleep. When a person reads Revelation they need to remember that it was written in signs. (See Rev. 1:3 )Jehovah God is love.(1John 4:8) A loving God would not burn people . ( Jer. 19:15) to learn more on this subject.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Without the threat, how many would chose to follow, now think about that for a moment.

  • 2 months ago

    Hell is never forever.  Rev. 20:12-14 shows that death and hell must both be emptied and destroyed so that the resurrections and final judgment can take place.  There is only finite punishment for finite sin.  God's love, justice, and mercy are all intact.

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  • 2 months ago

    'Hell' is the second carrot/stick in a two carrot/stick system - the first being the promise of an 'eternal reward in heaven'.

    If that fails to convince people to follow along, then fear of an 'eternal punishment in hell' gets broken out.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Hell is eternal conscious death.  God permits each person to choose where he spends eternity--either in the bliss of heaven forever or forever in the fires of hell.

  • 2 months ago

    "The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God" (Psalm 9:17).

    "Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it" (Isaiah 5:14)!

    "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 

    And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables" (II Timothy 4:3-4)!

  • Jesus
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    The doctrine of eternal torture is not found in the Old testament the Old testament says that when you die you're dead and you have no feelings or thoughts in the New testament we start hearing about eternal torment. 

    I can't see God sending Jesus to Earth and now our situation is far worse than it was back in the Old testament now the stakes have been up instead of just dying for your sins and perishing now you either obey God or you get tortured forever and ever. 

    It sounds to me like a doctrine that was placed there by the early Roman Catholic Church not consistent with the original Old testament concept of death.

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