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Would my mom go too hell even if she does not believe in it?
Would my mom go too hell even if she does not believe in it ?

6 Answers
- Anonymous2 months agoFavorite Answer
WOULD my mom go TO hell even if she DID not believe in it?
WOULD my mom go TO hell even if she DID not believe in it?
WILL my mom go TO hell even if she does not believe in it?
WILL my mom go TO hell even if she does not believe in it?
That would/will depend on how she lived.
- RitaLv 62 months ago
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Source(s): - Other sheepLv 52 months ago
Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
- milaLv 62 months ago
Of course she’s not going to hell.
Whoever translated the Jewish TaNaKh to create the xtian ‘old’ testament, misinterpreted the ideas and mistranslated many words to reflect the beliefs of Greco Roman mythology.
Judaism has no hell or evil beings of mythology, so clearly your mother is not going to hell and clearly jezeus was neither born of a virgin nor was he a mangod saving anyone from an imaginary hell. Xtianity teaches a false salvation. What we really need is salvation from the violence and intolerance of the religious world that teaches the lies and delusions of good and evil mythology that originates from Babylon. Wake up and return (teshuva means return not really repent) to your God given rational mind. Return and trust reality, and be peaceful and look around at what is true. The truth will set you free from your terror. If you believe in hell and evil beings, God’s wrath is the natural consequence of scaring yourself silly. When you return, you’ll be embarrassed and you will be disgusted by your former delusions. Transfer your awe to Judaism and Jewish scholars who are God’s messengers (angels). Just seemingly ordinary people, and the rest of the world is a little less than the angels - simply because of their thousands of denominations of Babylonian madness.
What did the world choose- tree of life (Judaism), or tree of the‘knowledge’ (sarcasm) of good and evil? Of course the world chose Babylonian mythology! There is only Jew or gentile. Only Jewish or Ha goyim - nations of the world. It is not an insult, just fact. The non-Jewish world is many denominations of Babylonian mythology.
Xtianity teaches armageddon but Judaism calls the teaching of destruction the abomination of desolation. We are told to not even speak or think such a horrible thing - it is abhorrent. If we succeed in destroying our planet, nothing will restore us or the planet. Salvation is to wake up and to heal the planet and to create a utopian society. We shall never know war again.
Jewish people are the chosen because they are the only people on earth who are wise to teach us how to create this utopia.
Zechariah 8:23 So said the Lord of Hosts: In those days, when ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."
When only a few wake up, it won’t be long before we enter the new age of peace. People are starting to wake up! How marvellous is this time to see peace breaking through thousands of years of madness!
Your mom is doing well, but you need to wake up and join her.
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- Anonymous2 months ago
Could she still fall off a cliff even if she doesn’t believe in cliffs?