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How does it feel to see someone you deeply care about cry? ?

Person can be close friend, significant other, etc.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    okay, so, gringos, heads up: after statue of liberty false flag (in order to attack iran) russia will nuke atlantic ridge to flood east coast with 400 meter tsunami

    then west coast

    so california will have earthquake, lava, and tsunami

    it's not like fires were enough (sarcasm)

    okay, so... new world order everywhere under antichrist... but ten months later russia will have ruski orthodox tsar (shown by resurrected saint serafim of sarov) who will fight the antichrist

    evil flying antichrist rides on a donkey into the 3rd temple

    deceived people will say: "Christ is here; Christ is there"

    Evil Project Blue Beam convinced them that Christ returned. 5 figures appeared in the sky (Christ, Moshiach, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad) and they merged into one (aka the antichrist)

    fire from the sky is real 'cuz of pollution gasses in the atmosphere but mountain moving is fake (it's a hologram... plus de antichristo used hypnosis)

    china attacks russia, then "number of the beast" days pass and ww3 starts

    first dinosaur will come out of volga river in Russia

    demons have 4 main ufo bases: kailas tibet, baikal russia, moon, under double ocean floor of mariana trench in pacific ocean (the so called atlantis)

    don't go into ufo to be "healed" by evil demons; evil demons never do good.

    police stop u @ checkpoints to see if u'r chipped (aka vaccinated); let's say 4 people car but signal only from 3. so, police stop the car to mark the not-yet-marked... now signal from 4 and police let the car go.

    food stores mark people who steal marked food because only a marked person can swallow marked food because of 3 strands of dna (instead of the usual 2 that normal people have)

    plus the commandment: thou shall not steal

    de beast released prisoners and insane asylum people to help him mark everyone

    hide ur kids hide ur wife antichrist is flying thru town... take ur glocks out and shoot that sob down.

    he's an s-o-b 'cuz his mother is a 12th generation prostitute who pretends to be a virgin.

    prostitutes = witches = lesbians; so, antichrist's mother is a witch, a prostitute, and a lesbian. antichrist is a gay wizard. it runs in the family.

    born this way? i guess so 'cuz of generational demons.

    mark of the beast leads to permanent hell. it's given when people receive world passport grey plastic card with no name on it. reject new documents and vaccines. u need to hide. no electronics so that u won't be tracked. even old broken unplugged tv set from 1970s will show the infamous antichristo.

    hide within a 10-15 people group. burn documents. no electronics. last prophet = vyacheslav krasheninnikov; pray to him for help. thanks for reading this short spiel.

    Source(s): 1st vaccine shuts off your immune system; 2nd vaccine gives you diseases; 3rd vaccine puts your immune system back and it will start fighting the diseases and will cause death. forgive me 4 ruining ur day but heads up... it's happening right now with the corona fiasco. after earthquake, mutants from underground gov't labs will escape; u need guns and ammo to deal with them. if gov't tries to take ur gunz away, give them 1 while keeping 3 hidden. to kill dinosaurs: go for their nerves
  • 1 month ago

    If it's my friend, I am speechless, and I just want to cry.

  • 1 month ago

    Ça fait pleurer la Joconde

  • 1 month ago

    If you see someone who really cares about you crying it will hurt your mind. this has happened to me.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    I have a little empathy and i let them cry it out.  I can't know how someone else is feeling.

  • Alan H
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    The best response is to weep with them

  • 1 month ago

    How it feels depends on why they're crying...what made them upset.

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    I dont think too hard about it, they're over reacting and will get over it shortly

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago


    I dunno. Am usually detached and it dawns on me I should hug them.

    But in general, Im not much of a hugger.

    My mom was. So.. Id make an exception just for her.

  • OTTO
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    I feel honored that the other would share their vulnerability with me.

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