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Someone is telling me the COVID-19 vaccines being given to people are experimental, and wants to know why people think they aren’t.?

Someone is telling me the COVID-19 vaccines given to people are experimental and wants to know who’s telling people  they’re not experimental. They’re not experimental, right? 

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    You were told correctly.  These vaccines have only been given Experimental approval under an Emergency Declaration.

    So yes every single person is given one of the vaccines is basically a test subject.  As to if they are being told is really debatable.  

    I have a co-worker who was so excited to get the vaccine.  I mentioned if they knew it was still experimental and they almost came to blows telling me I was lying and just "jealous" that I don't qualify for one.   As soon as I showed them the CDC website..they canceled their appointment.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Usually, it takes years to test a new vaccine and to see how it impacts animals first, and only after positive results of animal tests, they do tests on humans (volunteers) to make sure that vaccine is safe... that process takes years.... so, when all those vaccines were made? Quite recently... so no one can tell you how each person will react on that vaccine.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Kali are you an russian agent or is your last name trump ?

  • Alan S
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    The clinical trials have been completed and the vaccines have been proven to be safe and effective.  I think they were considered experimental during the clinical trials, but once that is over and done with and the vaccine is approved, it is no longer experimental.  They might still be considered experimental for children under the age of 16 or 18 because the vaccines weren't tested on them, that's why it isn't approved for children yet.

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  • garry
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    its been approved now , no long experimental , works on 90% of the people safely it has 9% side effects and 1% serious side effects , same as all vaccinations . Any worries then should read there report at there website .

  • 4 weeks ago

    Well, no, they would not be classified as experimental at this time.  Still, they have not been in use very long, so it is possible that effects will arise that nobody anticipated.  For one thing, these are the FIRST vaccines ever successfully made for any coronavirus.  It was pretty hard to figure out.  They have been trying for years actually, though not as hard as recently.  They make a different flu shot every year, but they are only slightly different from former flu shots.  This is quite new.

    I am not so much concerned about the safety of the vaccines, as the unethical means of making them.  

  • 4 weeks ago

    This type of vaccine has never been used before.  The theory behind it sounds reasonable but the same was said about Thalidomide, blood letting, global cooling, spontaneous generation, etc.

    This disease has a >99% survival rate if you are reasonably healthy.  I can wait to see if there are any effects 5 years or so down the road.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Yes and no. The normal process of FDA "approval" usually take about 5 years and it takes advantage of those 5 years in gathering data on specific patient populations, safety, and efficacy. It incorporates three phases of study over those five years. 

    Now because of the medical emergency "authorization" for release of a vaccine is granted under a EUA which must submit a minimum three phase clinical trials similar to the regular approval but the time was condensed thus limiting more extensive study of select populations like the young kids and limited its ability to study the longer term safety profile which is nowhere near the five years compared to the standard vaccine approval. The time of the study was condensed in order to get the vaccine out fast. 

    Vaccine companies have to submit their studies (phaseI, II, III) in order to get "approval" for "authorization" under the "Emergency Use Authorization". 

    If granted approval then they must continue to collect data post release of the vaccine in order to fill in the complete safety and efficacy profile to try and get it the standard approval process going and complete. 

    Some companies have already started studying pediatric patients for them to get approval for its release to that population. Some post release studies have already shown that the people out there are showing similar efficacy levels that were seen in the phase 3 study. Millions of people have already been given the vaccine and people are not dying left and right from the vaccine. The only way to definitively answer the long term safety consequences of the vaccine is to study it long term which by definition requires time, months and years. So far so good.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Yes, they are still in testing.

    But that doesn't mean they are "experimental".

    None of the vaccines in the US are approved by the FDA.  They have emergency authorized use.  This allows them to be used in the general population while still undergoing phase IV research.  This "emergency authorized use" designation (EUA) did not exist before covid.

    Between August & November they were under-going phase III research (dates are for moderna & Pfizer; J&Js dates are a little later but still only the 3 month period).  Each vaccine had 22,500 active participants and the same number of placebo participants (45,000 total).  All of these individuals were considered "healthy" (no significant pre-existing condition).  The group was predominately made up of individuals aged 40-54 and included 25% minorities.

    - the testing had over 65% less covid in the placebo group than the general population for that time period.  Much of it is related to the individuals being "healthy" but could also be attributed to doing different covid social behaviors. 

    - Thus, when we are told they are 95% effective, this is not "real world" data.

    When we began pushing the vaccine to the elderly & frail, it was basically untested on this age group.  We are told that the 1000+ deaths in this age group within 3 weeks of receiving the vaccine is a coincidence.  The issue is "we don't know".  Almost everyone experiences higher than their average blood pressure for a the few days following the vaccination.  Thus, the stroke and heart disease victims may be a coincidence or not.

    -- we need studies to show this and we don't have it at this point (this is a BIG problem!! As the public we should be clambering to get this not running around saying the vaccine is 'safe and effective').

    ** In 1976, we experienced what is now know as the Swine Flu Vaccine debacle.  At the 40M mark of administration of the vaccine  in the USA 25 people had died following the administration of the vaccine.  We didn't pretend it was a "coincidence", the vaccine was immediately pulled.

    Again, at the same 39M vaccine administration mark in the USA, 941 people had died within 3 weeks of administration.  We don't know if this is a coincidence or not. 

    Whenever there are vaccines there is always on-going research.  But the research that is still needed with the covid vaccines is much more significant that other vaccinations.

    - The most recent new approved vaccine in the US occurred in 2019.  It was tested on 16500 people (i.e. it's usage is not intended for most people) but over a 5 year period. 

    So the covid vaccines live in a world where they aren't exactly experimental but also not fully vetted.

    I know I'm going to get tons of thumbs down on this post because for some reason people want to pretend that they vaccines are not still undergoing significant testing.  The vaccine companies have been given immunity by the US Government that if anything goes wrong with the vaccines, the manufacturers and developers are not criminally or civilly liable. I don't get the idea of not being forthright with the status of the vaccines.

  • 4 weeks ago

    The Covid vaccines have been through clinical trials so they're not experimental. But no vaccine has ever been developed and approved on such a short timeline, so in a sense we're still learning about side effects and long term effects.


    That being said, foregoing the vaccine is statistically more dangerous than taking it.

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